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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. Riddick

    Riddick Active Member

    i hope they end the season well. it almost seems like they were trying to make Heroes only one season long. Hopefully it won't drag on, cause the show has a lot of potential.
    It could almost become an X-men for tv if done right.
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Write-brained, good luck to ya on catching up.

    The show is marvelous, so keep on watching.

    The marathon runs to 11 p.m., and then it starts over again with the pilot episode. I may watch all night.
  3. Thanks, but my wife is now making me watch the Break Up ...
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    she OWNS you dude.
  5. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Ouch...and this coming from a guy who started a thread about thinking that my wife is going to kill me...hehe
  6. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    maybe i missed it, but i don't think so, but whatever happened to internet chick?
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Who is Internet chick? You mean the blonde that strips for $$$?
  8. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    No . . . . I'm just not an ass.

    If you posted something in "African American slang", people would be all over you. This is no different.
  9. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    internet girl? anyone?
  10. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    You're thinking of Hana (aka "Wireless"). We saw her briefly in Five Years Gone, but I don't think her current whereabouts have been addressed in the show. You'll have to check out the online graphic novel to catch up with her.
  11. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    Just finished my two-day marathon viewing (between work shifts, of course) of the entire first season to this point. It's going to be an interesting Monday night: Watch the season finale of Heroes in the bedroom while the DVR gets the season finale of 24 in the living room. Quick bathroom break between shows.
  12. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    Your DVR doesn't allow you to change channels? Because mine does. So, if that's why you're using two TVs...
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