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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. EmbassyRow

    EmbassyRow Active Member

    I get this a lot, for some reason. Nope, DVR doesn't allow me to change channels.
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Mine does because I've got the HD box with two tuners. I can record one show and watch another at the same time. Or record two at the same time.

    And yes, 24 and Heroes finales tonight will be interesting. But since my DirecTV is currently shut off (thanks roommates), I'm watching 24 at my buddy's house and then Heroes online tomorrow morning. I'll make sure I don't wander into this thread after 10 p.m. tonight, since I'm sure there will be lots of chatter about what happened.
  3. FuerteJ

    FuerteJ Active Member

    So, season one is over, and I've got to say that, for the most part, I loved it. Great stuff. Terrific writing. Terrific plot development.

    But the season finale? Come on...I felt let down. Maybe I built it up too much. But I just felt like for everything that this was built up to be, the resolution ended 3 minutes. You've got to give us more. I'm so let down.

    And what's up with the beginning to season two? I'm intrigued.
  4. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Lower body count than I expected. I'm sure Parkman survives. No corpse. No death.

    But having a trail of blood from where Sylar was stabbed to the manhole cover? Bullshit. It's not like Bennett or any of the others left. Wouldn't they have at least tried to finish him off the moment he started moving? The others maybe, but Bennett isn't that sloppy.

    Hell, I'm not even sure they killed Nathan. Again, the rule applies.... no corpse, no death.

    I enjoyed the finale, but I found it a little disappointing, too.
  5. Key

    Key Well-Known Member

    I actually thought it was pretty good. Although the open-ended fate of Sylar was pretty crappy.

    I thought the season finale gave a pretty good payoff while allowing for some questions heading into next season. Mainly: Who's dead and who's alive? Sylar, Peter, Nathan, Parkman.

    Also, who's the person that scares Molly even more than Sylar?

    I can see how people might be disappointed, but I enjoyed the episode and certainly had a lot of fun following this series. Can't wait til next fall...
  6. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Put me in the disappointed crowd.
    I was expecting so much more and it was flat. I kinda figured they would come up with a way to keep Sylar alive, so that wasn't it. Just an overall sense that the writers wanted to end it a certain way and NBC told them no.
    Oh and Hiro turns out to be the guy he idolized growing up.
  7. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    I was a little disappointed too...but not until we saw the blood trail. I thought they did a nice job of tying up a lot of stuff while leaving more questions (Claire's fate, how evil mama Petrelli is, what happened to Nathan and Peter, to name a few). Then Sylar slinks off and we get the possibility of him coming back. He's a great, menacing villain who got creepier as the series went on but I think it would've been better if he died and we move on to the next bad guy. At least we'll get to see more exposed brains.

    Three quick random thoughts....
    1) Isaac's body has been in that loft for a few days now. Obviously, one of Sylar's acquired powers isn't a super sense of smell.
    2) Since Peter was near Sylar, does he have all of Sylar's acquired powers now? He'd already absorbed the telekinesis.
    3) Was the scene at the end with Hiro a homage to Army of Darkness?
  8. Cousin Jeffrey

    Cousin Jeffrey Active Member

    Yeah, I think Peter couldn't control the extra power he got from Sylar, maybe it's not just the individual power he gets, but the overall "juice." He must've absorbed Simone's dad's powers too (something about dreaming, I remember him telling Peter he dreamed he flew before he died)

    I think Peter and Nathan survive. Maybe Nathan flies him up in the atmosphere, drops him and lets him blow while flying away. But Peter regenerates.

    Who's the one more evil than Sylar? I say it's Mama Petrelli. Or they just introduce someone else.

    It'll be interesting to see if they form a "super team" like the one Linderman and Co. were in way back when.
  9. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    I had the same thought. If it was on purpose, kudos to them.
  10. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i feel much like mrs. petty right about now: a little disappointed, a little satisfied. ;)
  11. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but was this episode the first we've heard Mr. Bennett's name all season?

    "Peter: Thank you, Mr. Bennett.
    Mr Bennett: Call me Noah. "

    Can't wait to hear who the bad person is. Didn't Molly say it was a "bad man" though?

    A little disappointed, too, in the ending. Killing Sylar off would have been great just because the evil villian needed to go and it was the perfect time to do it. Just wondering how Hiro got so close to stab him, while no one else ever seems to be able to. I mean, Hiro didn't do anything special to get close, just ran up on him. Sylar usually knocks people away like scrubs in these cases.

    Perhaps Sylar is dead and someone (the really bad guy) dragged him into the sewers. I like the touch of the cockroach on the manhole. Kind of symbolic about how they can live through just about anything. Remember in episode 1 when Suresh was talking to his students about cockroaches and how they can live through just about anything? Good tie in for those who remember back that far.

    The ending had me thinking "what the hell?" Why does 1671 Kyoto matter? And what's with the eclipse?

    Still can't wait until next season.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It was the first mention of Bennett's first name. Remember, for much of the season we didn't even know his last name. A lot of people just called him HRG (horn-rimmed glasses, I think). So to some fans, that was a big reveal and important that he was willing to share his name.

    I think perhaps Hiro getting so close was because of Sylar's arrogance. Remember what he told Ando about Hiro. He just didn't see Hiro as a threat. Though I would have liked it better if Hiro teleported in closer and ran Sylar through just as he turned around.

    Excellent call on the thing with the cockroach. I had forgotten that.

    I still say it was good, but slightly disappointing...and too low of a body count given the build-up. I'm saying this betting that Parkman, Sylar, Peter and Nathan all survive.
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