Isn't 1671 Kyoto around the same time as the Japanese hero that Hiro idolizes? If so, it started me thinking that Hiro is actually Kenzie and his own upcoming actions lead to him becoming who he is. Then, Kenzie and the sword came over the hill before the eclipse, so I have no clue what is going to happen. The eclipse is a look back to the opening of each episode, which will begin to tie in hopefully. As for the "bad man" that was the one line in the entire episode that shook me and said to me that this show CAN carry on for a second season.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was Kenzie. In fact, didn't I hear whispers of "Kenzie" on the mouths of the guys on horseback dressed in red? Perhaps if Hiro is actually Kenzie and mix in this eclipse (which as you said ties into each show's opening), this is when Kenzie becomes a super badass, if you will, and his legacy is born. Or maybe Hiro is a direct descendant of Kenzie? And why was with Hiro flying as a bird (eagle?) and then crash landing? We've never seen him turn into a creature before. Ah, cripes, these questions are already driving me insane. Too bad we've got to wait until the fall. Parkman remains somewhat of a question mark for me. The guy took five bullets to the torso and then laid there for a good while before the EMS got to him. I don't know how he survived. But I think if they wanted to kill his character it would have been the final episode of this season, not episode 1 or 2 of next season.
Hiro teleported in right in front of Sylar, thus surprising him while he was distracted with the others. Made it easy to stab him. The one that bugged me was Jessica/Niki, when she clubbed him. She did walk right up on him. At the risk of sounding like an apologist (or a geek), I'll try an explanation for Parkman surviving. Since the bullets that hit him were redirected by Sylar, not fired from a gun, they might not have had the same kinetic energy. Thus, they didn't penetrate as deep or at all. Maybe, since he's a cop, he even had the presence of mind (or instinct) to wear a bulletproof vest and that kept the bullets from doing too much damage. Do I get a no-prize? And is it possible that Sylar WAS the cockroach? That he's got some sort of shapeshifting ability? Maybe something with animals? We know he's got four or five powers we haven't seen yet, and he's been able to sneak up on people without them knowing (Peter in this episode, and the woman he got the super hearing from). I think Peter mentioned something about him "hiding in plain sight" right before Sylar showed up, too. Plus, he somehow got away without any of the heroes, EMS or police seeing. So he's got to have some sort of teleportation or way of doing it. But I don't think it's teleportation since he appeared confused about how Hiro kept coming and going. Seems like he'd recognize Hiro's ability if he had it himself. Same with invisibility. The first time he fought Peter, and Peter turned invisible, that was something new to him. The theory on Parkman possibly surviving makes a lot of sense. Sylar's escape still bothers me, because it sure looks like he simply dragged himself to the manhole and escaped. Unless something else draggedhim and he is dead. Maybe he had been in the building and stole the powers of the girl who cast illusions. That was a small disappiontment, too. When Nikki knocked her out and her illusion faded, she looked like her normal self. I got the impression she was hiding a less appealing form with her illusions.
On Parkman, notice that he got hit in the chest with all four bullets and you didn't see blood, so I bet he was wearing a vest. Peter should presumably be able to put himself back together, so what about Nathan?
I'd like to think Nathan flew Peter about 100 miles out to sea and let him explode, and got out before he went boom. I haven't figured out why Peter couldn't fly himself there. Shouldn't Nathan have said, "Hey bro, I can do this but...ummm...maybe it'd be better if you did it yourself." And the more I think about this, the more intriguing it gets. It's possible we haven't seen the last of the nuclear threat. Especially if Sylar is alive. Remember, the first time Hiro saw the bomb go off it was daytime the day after the election. When Peter exploded in his dream, it was daytime. The big fight with Sylar, as it happened, occurred the night of the election. Maybe their actions changed the future, but there's still a possibility they could revisit this at some point. My brain is starting to hurt again.
I just finished watching it and was thinking the same thing ... and wasn't it supposed to be the day AFTER the election ... not the night of?
The one thing I keep going over in my head is that, by the end of the final episode, Hiro had figured out how to control his power. Why, all of a sudden, would he lose control and go way back in time? I, too, wish Sylar had died. But at least that leaves the door open for one really cool fight scene between Sylar and Peter. At least, we can hope. I'm guessing Nathan is dead. We were promised at least one death, and no one (important) died unless you count Nathan flying off with Peter. We never saw Sylar actually die. Never saw Parkman actually die. The only death we saw, and I think her character doesn't warrant a promised death was the form changing woman. I'm still interested in next season. I just don't want to wait until September.
I think Hiro has control of his power when he is able to concentrate, which he was unable to do when Sylar sent him flying and he was about to slam into the side of a building. And did the girl who cast illusions actually die? I thought she was just knocked out and bloodied.
Peter can't control more than one power at a time yet. Remember when he first met Claude, and he started freaking out because his abilities were going all haywire, and Claude punched him to shut him up? That happened about a week or two before this episode in Heroes time, it's not logical to assume Peter would be appreciably better at handling things in such a short span.
I read in EW that next season will include a heavy dose of the current heroes' older generation: Mama Petrelli, Linderman, Shaft, Hiro's dad, etc.