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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. I think Kenzie is Hiro's dad. Or an ancestor/lookalike.
  2. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I'm thinking ancestor. I would think there has to be some connection.
  3. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    My thoughts exactly. Maybe it's because I've basically been anticipating the Lost finale for months, but the last couple weeks of Heroes didn't resonate with me like some of the earlier ones.

    I was a massive comic fan in my youth. Why did I stop reading, and why have I not even considered going back? Because the practice of killing characters (especially bad guys) then bringing them back because the writers weren't creative enough to create a new villain is absolutely maddening.

    I don't think the Petrellis are dead, and the plausible explanation would be that Nathan simply went high, threw Peter, the momentum taking Peter high into the sky, and flew away fast as hell. Now Peter has to knit himself back together.

    But Sylar . . . . it was a damn cheesy end as Peter simply lost control of the nuke power slowly. It lacked drama and suspense. Oh no! He's GLOWING! The cheerleader's got a gun!

    I would have liked to see his lack of control explained by something like an angry outburst at Sylar in which he obliterates the bad guy, then can't re-contain the power. Would have killed two birds with one stone: destroy the bad guy, put he hero in that long-predicted dire situaton.

    Just starting to glow at the moment of truth . . meh. Then Nathan shows up, and it frankly had eus exmachine written all over it. Why couldn't Peter fly himself? Because he was freaking out when an event he knew all along was going to happen finally came to pass?

    The Sylar blood trail was a possible shark jumping moment. One of the great things about the show is that no one is safe, ever (OK, maybe Claire, since the fanboys need to drool). But the writers HAD to hedge their bets just in case they can't come up with a compelling villain for next season.

    That was a total copout. They can save it, maybe by having his body stolen by some subterranean powerful people who end up worshipping him. Hell, it's a massive X-Men ripoff anyway . . . let's bring in the Morlocks.

    EDIT: lisa simpson, good point.

    Batman: AWESOME reference. A No-prize, indeed. . . . . .
  4. Tom Petty

    Tom Petty Guest

    i don't think linderman's going to be coming back.

    and, call me high if you wish, but i think sylar comes back at the end of next season and kills the "bad man" about the time when all looks lost to end the season. sylar shows a last glimpse of not being totally evil before dying in the fight as well.
  5. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    On Sylar, we have to remember that behind all of the fantasy is a business and people who are employed by that business. I don't know what Sylar's fate will be, but he played a key role in developing the show. The actor might be a bit miffed if he was killed off in the finale for the first season and then had to watch as the other actors raked in cash during subsequent seasons.

    As for the finale, I thought it should have gone two hours. The tried to rush the opening and then rushed the end. I remember looking at the clock and thinking that they were running short on time if they planned to do a grand final scene. That final scene was weak. I mean, the guy who is blowing up is taken into the sky by his brother?

    I didn't mind how they connected things, but I would have preferred a better ending with a little more suspense going into next season. They should have introduced the next villain. Or maybe I missed it when they did so.

    By the way, it was a little silly when the cop from L.A. started talking about the map of New York City as if he'd been there his whole life. If you watch that scene again, you'll see what I mean. I notice little things like that, and I'm just enough of an asshole to point them out.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    If they are making story decisions based solely on keeping the actors happy, this show is going to go in the toilet fast. Screw whoever it is that plays Sylar. Unless it was something or someone else dragging off his dead body, that was a mistake.

    That said, I had the same thought as Tom Petty, that Sylar would end up fighting against the new big bad. He's a psychotic killer, but he also has these strong ideas about his purpose. Not to mention the fact that he's a whacko that could see a new baddie as competition.
  7. Precious Roy

    Precious Roy Active Member

    If Syler wants to be as all-powerful and have all the powers he wants, then he has to hunt down Molly's "bad man" because even though Molly was scared of Syler as the Boogey-man, she is much more afraid of the guy that can see her too. Syler wants to consume everyone's abilities, and that one would be quite the coveted prize. Look for Syler to emerge, team up with the other heros, then turn on them in the end and attempt to take the power for himself. Though predictable, it will still be enjoyable. I see nothing but a rip-off of X-Men in this series, but given I love the X-Men, this show could bring in the actual Magneto and I would still be clapping with giddy joy.
    As for Missy Peregrym's (sp.) character, I thought the same thing as outofplace. She even mentioned something like that when she was eating the fried chicken (or whatever) with Micah. I figured she was a 500-pound woman and the illusion she was creating was just something pleasing so she could fit in.
  8. Nice to see that cat Shaft is still a bad mother...
  9. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It's definitely derivative of X-Men, but I think there is a little more there. For one thing, they are ripping off other comics, too. And you still have to come up with your own stories and characters and those have been very well done so far, especially the way they keep running the assorted heroes into one another.

    What really strikes me is that the character they have done the best job with has no powers at all -- Bennett. What began as the shady bad guy has become a complex, ruthless character trying to protect his family and juggle one near-impossible situation after another.

    The point where he takes out Eric Roberts' character was one of the more satisfying moments in the final two episodes.
  10. mannheimadler

    mannheimadler Member

    I think the cockroach is symbolic.

    If you guys remember the pilot episode, when Mohinder was teaching his class in India, he talked about evolution and said the pinnacle of evolution was the cockroach for its ability to survive through the most adverse circumstances.

    It's obvious to me that it's symbolic of Sylar, who has now nearly died twice and has always identified himself as becoming the pinnacle of evolution through natural selection.
  11. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    So, what the heroes really need to finally kill Sylar is a really big shoe?
  12. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    This is an excellent point, but I think it speaks as much to the talent of Jack Coleman, who portrays Mr. (Noah) Bennet, as it does the writers and producers. Tim Kring has stated repeatedly (and from the very early going) that he and the producers have the overall story arc for the series planned out over the course of five seasons, so they already know where they're going. It's the getting there that leaves wiggle room -- the counterpoint to the situation with Bennet is Simone, who was originally intended to be a larger player in this first season arc, but who was written out of the show sooner than planned when it became clear that the actress (and character) weren't clicking. The details are going to change over the course of however long the show is on the air (hopefully they stick to he five-year plan), and I'm okay with that because for me, it's more about the ride, than the destination itself.
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