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Heroes: SPOILERS!!!

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by FuerteJ, Nov 20, 2006.

  1. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    Agreed. Coleman has been very good. Excellent mix of a well-written part and a talented actor.
  2. suburbanite

    suburbanite Active Member

    I know this is a minority opinion on this board, but I don't find Sylar compelling. IMO, He's a power-hungry Freddy Krueger. In the immortal words of Willie Randolph, so?

    Lex Luthor is a compelling villain. The Joker is a compelling villain. Bobby Valentine is a compelling villain.

    Sylar is a bad actor playing a serial killer. Ho-hum.
  3. suburbanite

    suburbanite Active Member

    Come to think of it, I'd like to see Willie Randolph join the cast. :D

    'I've teleported before, many, many times. It's no big deal. You people in the media act like it's a big deal, man.'
  4. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    If they have an arc . . . hopefully they don't pull a Lost and deviate from it to kill characters the viewers don't like.

    Right now, there is no way to sugarcoat the Sylar question. Massive miscalculation. No character is safe. Show how creative you are by coming up with a new baddie, Kring.
  5. boots

    boots New Member

    Here is what some forget. The bomb guy could regenerate. I think his brother flew him up in the air to explode. When the guy regenerates, his brother will catch him.
    What did baffle me though was Sylar's ability to send Hiro back in time to the land of Ghengis Khan.
  6. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    He didn't. Hiro failed to control his teleport. Remember, he is still learning how to control his powers. When he can stand still and focus, he does it fairly well. But flying toward a collision with the side of a building, not so much.
  7. Ok, how about this one (albeit from last week).

    When Eric Roberts came around the corner, how come Parkman didn't know that Bennett was waiting for him by already reading his mind?

    Picky, I know, but there's a lot of them like that. I still like the show a lot.
  8. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    "So you go and write your little stories about traveling thru time. It won't bother me."

    Then douchebag Jay steps in: "No no no more questions about time travel ok guys?"
  9. suburbanite

    suburbanite Active Member

    I can see that right now, honestly, especially Horwitz' line. Outstanding.
  10. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    That may fit under the heading of him not having very good control of his powers. Kind of a convenient excuse, but most of these characters are very new to using their abilities.
  11. suburbanite

    suburbanite Active Member

    That's a valid excuse, but that's why I think the writers are lazy. Then how come Sylame, who accumulates powers the way Rasheed Wallace used to collect technicals, has somebody else's schtick down pat 5 minutes after he offs them? Because that's what the writers need to have happen. Lazy [and shiftless].

    I understand the concept of willing suspension of disbelief. But even in a totally implausible universe, you have to have SOME rules, as opposed to making it up as you go along. :(
  12. lisa_simpson

    lisa_simpson Active Member

    No, Sylar picks up other people's abilities faster because that's how his ORIGINAL ability worked -- he only had to study something very briefly, and he intuitively knew how it worked. Plus, he's way jacked about all these powers, and using them to wreak havoc, whereas Parkman (and Peter) are totally freaked out by all this whatnot, they're probably less inclined to focus on harnessing what they can do.

    That, and Sylar eats brains. Something about the eating must make it work faster. :)
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