I'm with Lisa on this one. The way Sylar's particular power works allows him to quickly control each power he has. Though it's not always as quick as you think. Notice, more often than not he reverts back to the first power he acquired, telekinisis (sp?). And he did initially have trouble with the super hearing.
Those are valid points, but I still think the writers use Sylame as a deus ex machina for whatever they need. And I still say, he's a serial killer, not a supervillain. Jeffrey Dahmer wasn't a supervillain, either. My larger question is why does so much on TV/movies these days have to be grossout, anyway? Whatever happened to escapism that made you feel good, not crappy?
I think he can heal, but not regenerate. Plus which piece of him is his brother going to catch ... but what do i know.
Finally got to watch this. Ditto many points. Finale needed to be 2 hours. We needed a good kick-ass fight scene. I was OK that we hadn't seen one up until now, but Christ ... give us Peter and Sylar, 2 minutes, beat each other's ass. Then Hiro shows up to kill him. I'm confused about the end too ... but thats the M.O. of this show. It made me interested in the next episode ... of course, we'll be watching football before we watch the next Heroes.
I assume all that will be in the Heroes: Origins series they are talking about. Again, they are ripping off ideas from comics. Anything that is a hit, they have to put out a spin-off or secondary series to cash in as much and as quickly as possible rather than just let the main series be a hit.
Another reason to hate this show besides them ruining it after the first season. (And providing a lousy ending for the first season.) They didn't like the black guy: 'Heroes': Leonard Roberts Says He Felt Singled Out as a Black Actor - Variety