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Hillary is control freak with the press

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by hondo, Sep 26, 2007.

  1. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    If you can, check out a replay of last night's debate. Particularly the part where Russert gives everyone the "beat the information out of terrorists" bullshit question, and then tries to play gotcha with Hillary by telling her that her husband had said the opposite. She gave him a look that must have shrunk whatever testicles the man has left, and then said, "Well, he's not standing up here right now, is he, Tim?"

    Wild applause.

    For every closet sexist you predict will tell pollsters they'd vote for her, but wouldn't actually do it -- and I don't doubt there are plenty -- there just might be an exurban wife who tells her husband -- to say nothing of pollsters -- that she's going to pull the lever for Romney or Giuliani and then makes a different decision in the booth.
  2. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Hillary Clinton has perforated Jones' colon, and he lives in Canada. Can you imagine what she'd do to the rest of us?

    Vote Republican.
  3. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Zeke....I didn't see last nights debate, but earlier today I was listening to talk radio and both hosts say Hilary was horrible last night, skirted many questions and didn't come off well at all. Both said Biden came off best.....

    and these 2 are uber-left leaning Dems who before last night were backing Clinton.
  4. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Wouldn't voting Republican result in more perforated colons than just Jones'?
  5. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Pastor, if you don't vote Republican, the terrorists win...Jones' colon.
  6. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Actually, it said: "Call your illegitimate Negro daughter. She misses you, you Bush suckup!"
  7. Pastor

    Pastor Active Member

    Oh if you put it that, I'll be sure to pick up some petrolium jelly on my way up north next time.
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    You have to understand that the folks "scoring" these debates have a different criteria than each individual campaign. Of course, they'll all play it up if the CW says they "won," but in reality, they all need to do different things.

    Hillary's job is to not make any mistakes. She has no upside to taking firm positions in a primary debate this early. So while the hosts this morning say that Hillary was bad, she did exactly what she wanted to do. She sounded presidential, she sounded tough and she didn't get dragged to her left. I lost track of how many times she said, "I agree with..."

    The nature of the race and the debate almost guaranteed that that coverage today would portray either Edwards, Richardson or Biden as the winner. Because they're the ones who had to make a move. They're the ones who are behind.

    Unfortunately for Richardson, he's just horrible in the debate format. Hell, he's horrible in any format that requires him speaking. Which leaves Edwards and Biden. So they're who pundits are going to say "Won" last night. I will say, I've watched all but one of these debates, and Biden is the nuts almost every time. Of course, his history dictates that he'll eventually say something incredibly stupid, and that's the end of that.

    But Hillary didn't cost herself any votes. And when you're the leader, that's a win. Being bland right now doesn't help the television folks, but offending any potential donor isn't worth it if you're Hillary or, to a lesser extent, Obama.
  9. You also have to understand that, if AL was listening to the show I think he was listening to, Host 1 is a lighweight columnist who's been hacking at Hillary since Day One back in 1992, and Host 2 is the classic "I'm A Liberal, But.." guy.
    OTOH,the idea that Tim Russert has anything to add to our national dialogue passed its sell-by date 10 years ago, and thanks to the local TV hack who got them all to discuss the vital national issue of what books are appropriate for second-graders to read in the Boston suburbs.
    Get a freaking net.
  10. markvid

    markvid Guest

    From last night's debate...

    Several times she refused to give answers, but she couldn't duck when Russert threw her a curveball, asking if she would back the Yankees or Chicago Cubs, her childhood home team, if they met in the World Series. So she waffled.

    "Well, I would probably have to alternate sides," she said.

    She makes my skin crawl.
  11. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    Did anyone ask her if she would phone Israel to get them to bomb provoke Iran so we could have an excuse to invade the country?
  12. Ashy Larry

    Ashy Larry Active Member

    Fenian......please get out of my car!

    I can't stand either of them, .....my normal station was on a commercial break.
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