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Hiring Writers for CBSSports.com NFL Correspondent Network

Discussion in 'Journalism Jobs' started by jetssack, May 6, 2009.

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    NQLBLQ Member

    You just burned a lot of bridges. I know what you are trying to do, kid. You want to hang with the big boys, so you act like a big boy - thumping chest and all.

    But no one acts like that. No one comes in here and beats their chest. No one brags about damn near anything in here. No one in here gets defensive. And when they do, it's suicide.

    For example: http://www.sportsjournalists.com/forum/threads/27898/

    if that ends up looking familiar, feel free to never post here again. Or come to your senses and get a new screen name.
  2. Stitch

    Stitch Active Member

    Andy, my post was snarky, but it had a point in it. A lot of Web sites don't have copy editors in place and we all need them. I've read some of your Bleacher Report stuff and I repeat, you need an editor. That's not a knock, because a good editor will teach you tips that will stay with you throughout your career.

    I was wondering how many of these people you forward your stuff to, college professors at the UW, WSU, two AP English teachers, as well as ESPN's Jon Clayton, and Seattle Times' Danny O Neill, reply back as well. I'm sure they don't have anything else to do but critique your work.

    I'm wondering how well you would do on an AP Style quiz, because that's what editors look at if you want a future in the biz. Since you're 18, you'll get a lot of slack for not knowing it.

    Learn what others have said. I won't tell you to not dream of getting in the business, because I like what I do. But if you do pursue journalism, you need to understand the writing side of things.

    (Edit) What is lamen terms? (From a blog post)To quell all uncertainty Ken Griffey Jr has what is called in lamen terms an inflamed colon.
  3. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    I am.

    Kid, shut the hell up.

    Wow, I felt just like spnited!
  4. Moderator1

    Moderator1 Moderator Staff Member

    Well, you are da man after all!
  5. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    A lot of LA men have inflamed colons.
  6. jetssack

    jetssack Member

    Wow. This is frightening. Ever hear of apostrophes? Go with that idea about forwarding your stuff to English teachers first.

    This is what we have to look forward to from a generation who thinks texting = writing.

    Also, unless you're a 14-year-old girl IMing your BFF, lose the smiley faces.
  7. JackReacher

    JackReacher Well-Known Member

    Smiley faces are very valuable around here. Otherwise, you might hurt someone's feelings with a harmless joke.
  8. beardown

    beardown Member

    So does Andy get to meet the players, too? Tell Aaron Curry he picked him fourth in his mock draft? Does he still have the backward 'N' he painted on Woody's boot that he got for his 8th birthday?

    OK, tough guy, everybody needs an editor. The top APSE winners need an editor, let alone someone who struggles with "you're" and "your." Last time I checked, "I'm" had an apostrophe, but not if "you're" texting "your" posts on "your" Blackberry.

    First of all, it's a great opportunity for aspiring journalists to cover a team for a few bucks. Totally worth it and a little jealous that I'm too old and need a real paycheck too badly to do something like that. Fifteen years ago, I would have done it in a heartbeat.

    Dropping names doesn't really work here. John Clayton is one of the busiest, but nicest, men in the biz. If he helps you out, more credit to him. It doesn't make you special.

    How much reporting did you do for your mock draft? Did you fly/drive to each pro day, spend a week at the combine and at the Senior Bowl? Did you call scouts, administrators, coaches and, yes, even journalists for opinions? It's pretty easy to watch Kiper and Mayock, or pick up a magazine and type up a mock draft and beat an expert. The real question is, could you have put your draft together without listening to Kiper?

    Kid, we all were there once. We all thought we had the longest schlong and we knew more than anyone in the biz. Then we got scooped, misspelled someone's name or wrote a correction. Then the good ones shut up and watched the best, whether it's at a high school tournament or an NFL playoff game. We saw how they worked. That's how you get better and prove you belong, not by showing everyone your wee-wee.
  9. Suicide Squeezer

    Suicide Squeezer Active Member

    Off topic of Andy, but has anybody interested in this $400 a week CBS stimulus done their homework yet?
  10. sox forever

    sox forever New Member

    You tell 'em Andy.

    I hope you get the job.

    Good luck.
  11. spaceman

    spaceman Active Member

    Best of luck, Andy. I'm sure you will do well.
  12. Andy _ Kent

    Andy _ Kent Member

    Ugh! It appears as if we have awakened a sleeping giant.

    Gotta love a kid so full of piss and vinegar, but Andy, please don't claim complete and utter innocence here. Clearly you came on here to pick a fight, which is not the brightest thing to do whether you are 18 or 81 during these current economic times.

    Your initial post was fine, and after that a couple of people pointed out the importance of having an editor in order to ensure that your writing maintains some credibility, and then you fire back with this:

    There just so happens to be an incredible wealth of knowledge on this board and the potential for you and others like you to receive some invaluable advice about this profession from those who have blazed the trail before you, people like Dave Kindred, Tracy Ringolsby, Chris Jones (who unfortunately has been conspicuously absent of late) and other less recognizable names but still plenty qualified. Instead, you have chosen to alienate yourself with your snappy, angry retorts.

    Trust me, in spite of that, there are plenty of us on here who wish you success because none of us want to see this profession die. But you are only setting yourself up for disappointment if you choose not to adjust your attitude. FWIW.
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