Bluebeard's Original Beard Wash...
I posted this on the shaving thread. I grew one about two years ago. I actually liked it and others thought it looked good. But I was allergic to my own beard. It was horrible. I still put up with it for four or five months. I shampooed it every day. But something about hair under my nnose made me sneeze all the time.
Sea Breeze has always been the thing I use to keep the under-beard skin healthy. My wife argues, persuasively, that it's mostly alcohol and thus actually dries out the skin. So I dunno. That Nivea for Men line of skin treatments is quite good. Also, once a year, I tend to revert to cleanshaven for a few weeks, to get a little sun on my face and, well, I guess the word would be "exfoliate."
I suck a dick every night... I have to exfoliate my face. I have really bad skin. It's both dry and oily at the same time, and if I didn't exfoliate at night and moisturize in the morning after I wash it, I'd walk around with a red, blotchy face all the time. I don't have the best skin on earth as a result, but it's not bad.
Zeke, No. I grew one a few years ago and it lasted about 4 to 5 months. I was allergic to it. Sneezing all the time.