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Hygiene questions -- shaving and showering (with a poll)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by The Big Ragu, Jan 17, 2007.


Do you shave before or after you shower?

  1. Before

  2. After

  3. During

  4. Never shave (just like the Grizzly Adams look)

  1. SF_Express

    SF_Express Active Member

    Just switched to a wet-dry electric, and am loving it (Christmas present).

    Have always shaved before shower, but conventional wisdom is what others have said, you should shower first to open the pores and soften the beard. But that's not my habit.

    I shower right before work, which some nights is problematic depending on how smokey the bar was.
  2. audreyld

    audreyld Guest

    I'm a fan of guys with stubble, more so than clean-shaven. Full beards, however, can be totally hot if they're not nasty.

    As for me, I shave in the bath. I'm not coordinated enough to do it anywhere else.
  3. Kaylee

    Kaylee Member

    I once spent a summer living in this otherwise-nice house with a hippie girl (long story). We hadn't gotten the hot water hooked up, so I endured a month of cold showers. I actually came to like it when I'd come home from a long afternoon run. Other than that, it bordered on torture.
  4. Cape_Fear

    Cape_Fear Active Member

    I shave every other working day after my shower before going into the office (either morning or afternoon depending on the shift). I'll also hit the shower after working out.

    I rarely shave on a day off and never on a day that I'm playing hockey. The chin strap from my helmet causes irritation if I don't have at least a little stubble going.
  5. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    I have a beard, but I touch up after the shower.

    When I was clean-shaven, I shaved in the shower.

    I also brush my teeth in the shower. Saves time and maybe water.

    And maybe not.
  6. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    I did not realize until just now UTShooter was a woman.
  7. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member

    And if she's not, and is a man, well ... there's nothing wrong with that.

  8. KYSportsWriter

    KYSportsWriter Well-Known Member

    Shave 2-3 times a week before the shower. And I shower in the morning when I get up and if I go to the gym before work.
  9. micropolitan guy

    micropolitan guy Well-Known Member

    Shave before, after working out in the AM at my athletic club. Shave about 3-4 times a week; if I'm in the office I'll skip a day, or if I'm not working on the weekend I'll go from Friday AM until Monday AM without shaving.

    If I'm covering a game or doing an interview, I'll always shave.

    It is one thing in life I despise. I love mowing the lawn, but I hate shaving.

    I use the Edge gel with the orange or green cap. It works very well.
  10. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    Shave after, definitely. Usually four out of five working days and once on a weekend, after my once-a-day morning shower. I rarely use shaving cream, though. Just never got into it, and it makes no detectable difference when I do. Is that odd?
  11. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    It amazes me that people don't shave every day. I mean, I did not sprout chest hair until I was in my mid-20s and was carded in just about every bar to that point, but I have never not shaved my face for school or work since I was 14.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    I shave every day. I grew a beard two years ago, my first one ever, and it actually looked good according to others. But I was allergic to it. Really. I sneezed and sniffled for about four months straight, and mainlined benadryl, but I was too stubborn to shave it. I finally couldn't take it any more. Now I am back to shaving every morning.
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