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I can die happy now ....

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by HC, Aug 28, 2006.

  1. Sxysprtswrtr

    Sxysprtswrtr Active Member


    Whoooo hoooo!

    What is your role? And not in a "know your role" kinda question ... Are you singing? Talking? Or just standing there looking all pretty? :)
  2. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    HC, You can sing my anthem any day of the week?
    Good luck!
  3. Orange Hat Bobcat

    Orange Hat Bobcat Active Member

    The entire OHB clan will be following this with extreme interest (and since two of us have actually met you, we'll be sure to point you out to Mrs. OHB and Ms. OHB). Wow, I can't believe I'm actually going to be dragging my girlfriend to Hairspray: The Movie. (I would have thought it would be the other wway around.)
  4. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    None of the above. I'm dancing. :D
  5. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    As bad as that movie was, it also was the flick where Travolta met the woman who would become his wife, Kelly Preston. So it was a small price to pay.
  6. Freelance Hack

    Freelance Hack Active Member

    Has anybody had a wierder career than Travolta? His films are either great (Pulp Fiction, SNF, Grease and Michael) or absolute shit (Perfect, Staying Alive, Look Who's Talking, Too, etc., etc.)
  7. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    He has wayyyy more misses than hits. And he looks really weird with short-cropped hair. He needs to grow that shit back out. There may not be an actor who I despise more than Travolta. Loved Pulp Fiction and thought he was good in it. Other than that, I'm not sure I can I say I've liked any Travolta film that I've seen.

    That said, congrats, HC. It's still pretty damn cool to not just be in a movie, but to be dancing with the most notable dancing actor since probably Fred Astaire. Now you just have to get Walken to tell you about his watch.
  8. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Tell him that he and Lily Tomlin were the screen's hottest-ever screen couple in "Moment by Moment." Gable and Leigh, Bogart and Bacall, Swayze and Moore, none of them compare. He totally made the right decision to turn down "American Gigolo" so he could do that movie.

    Seriously, HC, this is great news. Congratulations. :)
  9. Perry White

    Perry White Active Member

    Don't forget to give him a warm greeting! http://www.defamer.com/hollywood/john-travolta/dont-get-excited-captain-travolta-greets-all-of-his-passengers-this-way-197796.php
  10. Chi City 81

    Chi City 81 Guest

    You didn't like Get Shorty?
  11. friend of the friendless

    friend of the friendless Active Member


    I hope you didn't do a Donna Pescow* between takes.


    YHS, etc

    *go out to the car and don't ask me how I remembered her name
  12. patchs

    patchs Active Member

    Did he try to convert you to Scientology?
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