And the Twitters! I just passed 40,000 words—40,234 to be exact—without killing any of these dumb motherfuckers. I'm not sure which is the greater accomplishment.
Apparently, community workspaces are a thing now? I was talking to a former SI colleague who joined The Athletic at the same time I did. Working remotely all the time is an adjustment if you've never done it before (I did at FanHouse) and she said another former SI colleague goes to this community workspace twice a week. Pays like $200 a month but there are drinks and snacks and other people. I might do it if the company paid but I also wouldn't ask the company to pay. Besides, I kind of like working remotely. Hell, if my daughter hadn't gotten married I can't swear I would have taken a shower since I started the new gig! The former came home one day when I was with FanHouse and saw me pecking away at a story while in my sweats. "Jesus, do you even own pants that snap anymore?"
My beard has reached the point where someone said to me the other day that it's like I'm wearing track pants on my face.
He's gone now, but I swear: desktop, stack of books, pad of paper and pens, and a single cup of coffee.