Lack of self-control aside, it’s fairly well known at this point that the sugar industry has long been nefarious in its attempts to mislead the public. It has been astoundingly effective until recently when many health professionals have started to discover that the accepted wisdom regarding what is healthy is manufactured PR nonsense. How the Sugar Industry Shifted Blame to Fat Plenty of links regarding this can be found. Can someone pass this along? I wouldn’t want type to go through life not understanding something important.
Sugar bad. Fat good! I like the Keto idea so far, though I'm not in it all the way. Pro tip: Pork rinds are a good substitute for chips, crackers, etc. Protein and fat, no carbs. Moderation rules apply.
I worked from home for a year and a half and will never, ever do it again for any extended period of time. Some people love it, but I need the noise of the workplace, phones, people yapping whatever. I found myself going stir crazy over the silence, and that's while working with stuff like Motorhead's No Sleep 'til Hammersmith cranked to 11.
I'm not in ketosis but would say I'm 90-95% carb-free. I got serious about slashing carbs 10 months ago. Tonight's dinner. Chicken, broccoli, salad. Boring as fuck but you get used to it.
Guess he didn't want to share. 45,313 as of today. Over the hill. More than halfway. Now I just have to do everything I've just done again. OH FUCK ME.
I forgot about seeing this. Lemon, butter, few other things from the fridge. Chicken was super juicy.
Just passed 50,000 words: 50,139. Just me and one of the other resident writers in the coffee shop. You may leave your tributes outside my door. Thank you.