I’ve never been able to write with music, or anything really, on. I have the TV on in the background while I’m doing other work things during the one day a week I work from home, but once I have to write or edit something, I gotta mute.
I used to write to music very happily. But I found sometimes I was mistaking the rattle and bounce of the music for the rattle and bounce of my own writing. Over the years I stopped writing to music with lyrics. Eventually I turned the music off altogether. It's a very personal process, of course, and we all do it differently. When I have students, I tell them they'll figure out their own version of it.
I don't do much writing anymore. When I did, if I had music going, it was usually downbeat house music type stuff, like the Buddha Bar albums. Every day now, I have to do about an hour of homework to prepare for the next day. It's really tedious work, but I can kind of sleep walk my way through it. It's just time consuming. I listen to music while I am doing it. ... like 90 percent of the time, it is a playlist of Frank Sinatra songs. It's odd, because I never particularly liked Sinatra, but I have totally gotten into it. Sometimes I am working and singing along loudly (with my terrible singing voice).
Cosign both music during organizational activities, and Sinatra as the grade-A American soundtrack to it.
One semester when there was too much furniture creaking on the floor above me - ahem - and I had some concert reviews to write for a music class, I put on a pair of studio headphones and got ahead in that class by putting together every review needed for the semester. Also figured that I usually write better with music. After getting quotes down as needed for written pieces, of course ...
At the shop, and a woman sitting next to me gestures for me to take off my headphones and then asks me what I'm doing. "I'm a writer. I'm writing. I was writing." Blah blah blah, she tells me she's a writer, too. She points at the note pad in front of her as evidence. I look down at it. I shit you not, the sum total of her's day work, in giant letters, was: "I am the most wonderful person I have ever met." Headphones went back on in record time. God bless Dr. Bose.