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I really wish I had a good ol' boy network

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Idaho, Apr 5, 2007.

  1. Hank_Scorpio

    Hank_Scorpio Active Member


    Brockman: Thanks Mayor Simpson. Because of you we'll ALL be taking golden showers.

    [chuckles and laughs off camera]

    Brockman: What?
  2. Yawn's taking too long to reply, so I'll argue for him:

    I suppose Yawn could argue that this is different because Cheney didn't leave Haliburton a failing company ... but I would argue that Cheney has even made it more profitable since he's been in office, handing out government contracts to his old firm like they were candy.

    So, in summary, if Cheney's payoff wasn't a golden parachute, perhaps it was advanced payment for services to be rendered.
  3. Wow, still no Yawn, so I guess it's up to me to engage myself in debate.

    Yawn: Screw you, Write-brained, you tree-humping liberal. Cheney was not giving his former company preferential treatment when the government gave Halliburton $18 Billion for the very necessary war in Iraq.

    Write-Brained: Wow, Yawn, you are so right. It's a good thing we started a war with Iraq instead of going after Osama.

    MSNBC (not Fox) is a bunch of liars: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/5333896/
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