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In Which I Stick Up For A Republican

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Fenian_Bastard, Jul 8, 2007.

  1. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I'm not impressed. JR just asked for you to provide a reason, a basis for your insult, and you either can't or don't want to. Which is it?

    If the reason is that he's rich or that he made his money practicing law -- the crap I usually hear when someone's trying to trash Edwards, well, that's not good enough. Being wealthy and sticking up for working class people doesn't make you a hypocrite or a phony. It means you're empathetic and you're in position to do something about it.
  2. That's comic gold.
    I'm using the term "porn on the cobb" from now on.
  3. Boomer7

    Boomer7 Active Member

    Never mind Edwards -- I'm convinced that Hillary and Mitt are long-lost siblings. If they won the nominations, those debates would smash all known records for insincerity.

    But the Marriott story is pretty outrageous.
  4. D-3 Fan

    D-3 Fan Well-Known Member

    Romney and Edwards would do well together as the Fluff Party candidates. Both of them couldn't hold a candle to this guy:

  5. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    I think every candidate needs to elucidate a clear position on porn. In all its varieties.
  6. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    I wouldn't vote for Mitt Romney on a bet, but oh for the love of, well -- given the topic, let me end that right here. What a contrived, piece of shit story.

    We should, however, strap in and get ready for more bullshit like this. Already, Candidate ADD -- everyone's favorite actor cum politician (post Reagan division) -- is taking shots for having a wife 25 years his junior.

    Who. The. Fuck. Cares. And why is that self-righteous, overrated bag of sanctimonious crap Tony Perkins given a platform on such a non-story?
  7. Trust me, lad. You don't know what you're talking about.
    There isn't a position that John Edwards holds on any issue that isn't the same as the one he held in 2004, except on the war, and I'll give you that one. There isn't a position on any issue that Mitt Romney held when he ran for governor that he holds now. Not one. I'm not talking about evolving positions. I'm talking about "yes" six years ago and "no" now. And that quote in the Globe about how he was "really frustrated" to be on his mission in France rather than being in Vietnam? Nothing close that I can find in the annals of any politician anywhere.
  8. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Which one of those publications told you that Lebanon was part of Western Europe? Because you should ask for a refund.
  9. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Geographically inconsistent porn?
  10. alleyallen

    alleyallen Guest

    Demonstratably, verifiably.

    And I can say that my porn never lies to me.
  11. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

  12. Simon_Cowbell

    Simon_Cowbell Active Member

    You have some major compensation issues.
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