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Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by hockeybeat, Oct 5, 2007.

  1. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    Have you ever *BEEN* to a hospital? Yeah, that $50 DVD player is the difference between health care and none ::) $50 will cover about 30 seconds of a trip to the hospital. As for the two cars, Mom and Dad need something to drive on The Commie Roads to get to work. If you've ever looked into a bus pass, the cost isn't much less, if any less, than the monthly cost of a car payment.
  2. forever_town

    forever_town Well-Known Member

    Not to try to defend President Bush (Lord knows I'm the last person to do that), but this might be an example of what can happen when a President doesn't have a line item veto. It's either swallow your objections and sign a bill with what you consider an odious provision or veto legislation you think is vital.
  3. Trouser_Buddah

    Trouser_Buddah Active Member

    Which line item did he have a problem with?
  4. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    The line about DVD players is my guess.
  5. MCbamr

    MCbamr Member

    So, parents who make $80K have poor children? Explain that. And then explain how they can be considered "rich" come April 15.
  6. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    And old_tony tries the Welfare Queen gambit!

    It's a classical bit of rhetorical diversion, Tim, made popular by Ronald Reagan in the early 1980s!

    What with it being Friday afternoon and no Rush to provide him his lines, it appears Old_Tony dipped into the Way-Back Machine for his latest tactic designed to divert people from the fact that he has absolutely no case when it comes to the matter at hand.

    It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it works out for him...
  7. Dangerous_K

    Dangerous_K Active Member

    Good point on the April 15 point MCbamr. Shows W is sticking to his gun, since he championed the most recent tax realignment.
  8. GB-Hack

    GB-Hack Active Member

    Yes. America bailed out Britain in WWII. Keep saying that. One day...nope, it'll never be true.

    Britain has full nationalized healthcare, put in by the then strongly left-wing/socialist Labour Party. While the party has drifted closer to the center under Tony Blair, it still has a strong union base and is thought of as the party of the workers.

    I'd stick to American politics if I were you. You appear to have enough to learn there.
  9. IU90

    IU90 Member

    I agree with you in theory about the line item veto issue, but I also think Dubya pretty much forfeited his right to make that argument when he blindly rubber stamped so many other bills containing a mountain more frivolous pork than this one. Instead, he waits until its a children's healthcare bill to finally play the part of the fiscal conservative he falsely claimed to be 7 years ago.
  10. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Wow, you sure shut this thread down. Facts have a way of doing that with liberals. Nice job.
  11. Flying Headbutt

    Flying Headbutt Moderator Staff Member

    The first person who can find anything mentioning $80K in the bill can win a free chicken that only lays golden eggs. Because the fact is neither actually exists.
  12. D-Backs Hack

    D-Backs Hack Guest

    George W. Bush said it's in the bill, and it has to be true, because the Washington press corps told me in 2000 that he was a plain-spoken, straight-shooting Texan who would never, ever mislead the American people on anything.
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