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Internal Polling Suggests Hastert Could Devastate GOP

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Deeper_Background, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. jackmac

    jackmac Member

    I have a son the age of some of these pages. And as a father, I would never trust the care of my kid to anyone in that leadership after learning of the Foley's creepy activities and the lack of interest in protecting children. The whole thing should be an eye-opener -- especially to with casual interest in current events -- to question what else the GOP has screwed up over the last six years. . . and it turns out there's a very long list.
  2. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Sure, Newt, you . . . newt.

    His being gay is not the crux here.

    His pedophilia / penchant for taking advantage of his position, is.

    Repeat it, slowly, to yourself, a few times . . . it'll sink in.
  3. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    So you use Foley and a 21-year-old to further your claim of pedophilia and taking advantage of his position (and his party drummed him out), but Clinton and a 22-year-old is "two consenting adults (and his party defended him and trashed the accuser with the "nuts and sluts" defense). Glad to know you're so consistent, Ben.
  4. Foley and a 21-year old page are consenting adults.
    Clinton and a 22-year old are consenting adults.
    However, Clinton did not drunkenly stalk Monica Lewinsky when she was in high school.
    And if we can have the same two years of fun and frolic investigating the Foley scandal that we had over Clinton-Lewinsky, then I'll be very happy.

    P.S. -- Nice cover, Time.
  5. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Well, one reason there won't be any more than a couple weeks spent on this is because Foley had the common sense to resign, while Clinton chose to spend the next two years tattering the Constitution and committing crimes with his cover up.
  6. Birdscribe

    Birdscribe Active Member

    Tattering the Constitution? That's pretty damn funny, coming from the defender of a man who is currently putting that august document through a Cuisinart.

    I'm a little fuzzy on the details. Explain to me again how lying about a consensual sexual affair is on par with authorizing wiretaps on private citizens, concocting intelligence to foment a war and running clandestine prisons.
  7. Duane Postum

    Duane Postum Member

    Easy. One refers to a "lieberal" Democrat, the other to a stand-up, can-do conservative who doesn't do faggy things like read books (except for "three Shakespeares" and operates relying on his stand-up, can-do gut.
  8. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Conservative... yeah, that don't-tax-but-still-spend Conservative. Bush and these GOP pricks spend like they they think they are using that new Monopoly money.

    Never has the first syllable meant so much.
  9. Tattering the Constitution?
    Now that's comedy, folks.
  10. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member


    Bill Clinton's a sexual pig. We all know it.

    At least ol' Bill didn't spend his time debasing the dollar by spending the country into oblivion while lining the
    pockets of his cronies.

    Keep defending the guys who keep denying what they knew about Foley, and how many years ago they knew it.

    When you have clue one, hurry back.
  11. old_tony

    old_tony Well-Known Member

    Here's a question for you:
    What is the current budget deficit as a percentage of the GNP? Is it A) worse than ever; B) about the same as always; or C) better than the average of the last 40 years?

    You lefties won't post the honest answer, so I'll give you a hint. It's not A or B. Now try to figure out what that leaves. I'll be sitting here waiting for you all to avoid the question.
  12. D-Backs Hack

    D-Backs Hack Guest

    Wow, I guess we can tell all those Chinese banks to fuck off. And your percentage-of-the-GNP crowing is laughable, since Bush's budget deficit figures, the highest in the nation's history, do not include war expenditures.

    But since percentage of the GNP is evidently the barometer of what is a good deficit and what isn't, what was the deficit percentage for fiscal year 2000 -- the one before Bush took office? Oh, yes, there wasn't a deficit:


    The return of the Republicans to the White House also meant that the national debt clock in New York City had to be turned back on. It now reads more than $8.5 trillion dollars:


    That's almost $3 trillion in new debt since Jan. 20, 2001, for those keeping track. Under the debt clock in the link, you'll find all sorts of citations about Bush and Congress raising the debt ceiling.

    But, by all means, keep lecturing us liberals on fiscal responsibility.
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