I've always worn a watch. Only times I take it off is when I cook. I can't stand having to pull a phone out of a pocket to tell the time. And it has a neat Superman logo on it, so neener neener neener!
I haven't worn a watch since a little after I got my first cell phone circa 2005. It was one of those flip phones that had a small screen on the outside that displayed time and date. I don't see it as an inconvenience to take my phone out of my pocket if I want to check the time. I've never in that big of a hurry where those five seconds make that much difference versus glancing at my wrist. Furthermore, I'm in front of or near a computer a lot of times out of the day where it's an easy glance to see the time. And when I'm watching TV, I have to hit one button to check the time.
I only started wearing a watch in 2008 when I was doing a gig in France. Didn't have a cell phone and I was constantly paranoid about being late for rehearsals. Bought one there and now can't imagine being without it.
I've had the same watch since 12-31-03, a silver Fossil Arkitekt with metal band and no second hand. I've had it cleaned and had the wrist band and crystal replaced a few times and it still works great. I can't find a clean face with only four dots for 12-3-6-4 and no second hand for around $100-150, so I see no reason to get a new casual watch. I have a watch I wear when I dress up, but for my normal day-to-day watch, I love the one I have right now. This is the one I have, except silver face.
I think there's something to be said for sexuality and mate attraction. Drawing attention to the hands might have a certain sexual benefit. The wrists were a mark of beauty in the Elizabethan age. A nice watch can improve a man's overall presentation. Similar to the way necklaces draw eyes to the bust. Or the shape of earrings enhancing facial shape.
Splurged and bought a Tag almost 10 years ago with some bonus work money. I am not a big jewellery guy but plan on buying a couple more higher end watches over the next few years, probably a Rolex next. Part of it is that I want something I can pass down to my son.
A distinctive personal timepiece and a bad-ass grill never go out of style. And now we know who stole Fart's hat.
I've worn a Swiss Army for about 20 years, had it cleaned and serviced for the first time last year. Mostly when I wear it it helps remind me I'm on someone else's time, Friday PM and vacations it comes off. Kind of like one of those GPS monitors (I guess, I don't know from first hand experience - or do I?)
Some places of employment declare having a cell phone on the job a termination-worthy offense. Mine is one of those places. So, too was the temp agency I worked for after I got shit-canned from my last full-time journalism gig. The reason for that is because we're around account specific information that's very sensitive, so using cameras on phones (since pretty much every phone is a camera phone these days) is taboo. For that reason, and because my job requires you to be at your station on time, I always have my watch on me.