I stopped wearing a watch about 10 years ago when the cell-phone-as-timepiece became a thing, but fairly recently started wearing one again. I had too many instances of looking at my phone to check the time and then seeing some notification about something or other which 1/led me to rudely checking the source of the notification or 2/left me stressed because I knew there was a notification left unchecked. (Sick, I know.) I love watches as fashion accessories, but I have really, really small wrists, so only one specific style -- a rectangular face, leather band -- works for me.
Wear a watch every day. Hate checking my phone to see the time. I'd feel almost naked without my watch, which is something I remember my grandfather saying.
The only time I ever use my cell phone for the time is when I'm playing golf because it's easier to get to. My watch is in a pocket in my bag and the cell phone is in a compartment in the cart.
I wore one for a spell about 10 years ago. I can't remember how long but I know I was wearing one when I met my then-fiance, now wife because mine died and her mom bought me a replacement. I probably wore it a year (maybe) until the battery died and I just never got it replaced. I believe I was wearing one in my college graduation photo in 2004 but I'd have to go to my mom's house to look at it. But, during the time I wore one, I had a cellphone. I think I wore it because I went through an outdoors-y phase and I didn't take my phone with me as much, plus I could wear it at the gym.
As long as there is a dirty hipster alive trying to be intentionally ironic, the wristwatch has as much of a future as the Mason jar.
I used to wear a watch, every day. Felt naked without one on. Then last summer I got one of those fitbit bracelets and I've rarely worn a watch since. The bracelet gives me something on my wrist now and I check the time on it, roughly 3 times a day even though it has no clock feature. Just the habit of looking to my wrist first for the time. The fitbit is on my left wrist and for whatever reason, I can't seem to wear a watch on my right wrist. It just feels wrong.
I've never worn a watch and have no plan to start. Don't like them. As for checking my phone for the time, I'm not really sure how it's inconvenient. Unless I am at home, I always have my phone on my person. It's very convenient.
I started wearing one again when I got a Garmin that with GPS can track the distance I've covered on my runs. I also like that the watch vibrates when the alarm goes off -- and after each mile on my run. I also still have several Swatch watches that I wear from time to time. Have always loved a Swatch.
Wore a watch in 7th grade. A cute girl named Jodi asked if she could wear it. I never got it back. She broke my heart. Fuck watches.
I never have liked wearing watches, although I have several, including a Swiss Army and a cool two-dial tank. Also a fairly rare flat black Swatch. But I'm never more than a moment away from something that can tell me what time it is - car, phone, laptop, desktop, even our oven. All properly synched to zulu time.
I wear a watch almost every day, but can't saw I always glance at it. I'll wear an inexpensive watch until the battery wears out then buy a new one, since batteries seem more expensive and are a hassle to change. The advantage of the watch is it is a lot easier to take a quick look at your wrist than it is to pull the phone out of your pocket.