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Is there such thing as ...

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by newsguyone, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. Ace

    Ace Well-Known Member

    This Thread Will Not Start Well
  2. newsguyone

    newsguyone Member

    Err. You think nerve was struck?
    And then you launch into to the "sweetie" business?

    For what it's worth, I like my job. And I'm currently scouting towns to start my own newspaper.
    Big paper. Medium paper. Small paper. Busting your ass and watching other people reap the benefit is a sucker's game.
    After years in newspapers and radio, that's my humble conclusion.
  3. newsguyone

    newsguyone Member

    Yeah, the cocksuckers response was a little harsh.
    But it felt right.
  4. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    I, for one, suck all the cock I can get, and did not take offense.

    In other news, your thoughts and opinions intrique me. How might I subscribe to your newsletter?
  5. dawgpounddiehard

    dawgpounddiehard Active Member

    newsguy... you have to realize what you're dealing with around here... and relax, man.

    Anyway, most companies you can expense the AP Stylebook. In that regard, having one at the office and one in your shitter is a good idea. The more you read about it and the more you use it, the less you would want to rely on a computer program to tell you how to properly write a date or that Internet is capital "I".
  6. Taylee

    Taylee Member

    If anyone ever needs to borrow a style book, hope you give them the copy from the office.
  7. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Well, it seems to me like you're trying to find a way not to learn the basics, to have a machine do it for you. Maybe you consider yourself a big-picture guy who wants to start his own newspaper, but if you don't understand the nuances, the desk people who work for you won't respect you, won't think that you know what you're talking about when you tell them how to do their jobs, won't think you respect them if you think a computer program can replace human thought in their jobs. You can order people to do things, but it is much more effective to have them buy into it, and that won't happen if people believe you consider their work to be robotic. Look at the Vanifesto. The guy was, yes, telling them how it will be, but anchoring it was a sense of respect for the work those people did -- and it all springs from the mind of a man who probably could have done any job in the department at a big-league level.
  8. newsguyone

    newsguyone Member

    Oh, I have on my desk. One at home. I do go in stages where I enjoy reading it.
    Then again, there are papers when I'm just trying to bury the bodies and not worry about being haunted by the ghosts.
  9. expendable

    expendable Well-Known Member

    I'm sure that in the days before spell check, someone was told to just read the fuckin' dictonary.

    Just sayin'.
  10. newsguyone

    newsguyone Member

    I'm not disputing any of that Frank.
    But on the other hand, in the real world, people use spell check.
    While serving on the editorial board of my college newspaper during the early 90s, we had great debates about whether or not our copy editors should use spellcheck.

    I'm not against learning my craft.
    But I'm for tools that help me get the job done.
  11. This spiraled out of control quickly. In the future, don't come on here asking for help/advice and then call people "cocksuckers" when they give it to you.
  12. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    No one was told to read the dictionary.

    They were told to look up words they didn't know how to spell. Which they still should do, whether it is online, using spell check, or, yes, getting out a dictionary.

    Now, I'm off to try and find "cocksucker" in my OED.
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