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Jake Scott piece

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Columbo, Nov 19, 2006.

  1. TrojanHorse

    TrojanHorse Guest

    Hyde did a great job, really wonderful.

    But Jake Scott is the real star here. A guy with true principles in life, and he sticks by them no matter what. Maybe too far, some might say, but .... no. Jake Scott is what integrity is all about.

    There's something to be said in this country about a man who sticks by his word and doesn't compromise his integrity. America was built on that, and nobody likes a liar anyway, right?

    Jake Scott doesn't like anyone who would lie to him, or expoit him, and isn't that a good lesson for anyone?

    He never cared about being a star. He just wanted the proper respect, as anyone of us would.

    Thankfully for Jake Scott, he gets it from the real people in life that he hangs out with today. People away from the world that the rest of us think people care about.

    Really, would you not rather be on a beach in Hawaii without any cares in the real world instead of working for a company that will sell your ass out in a minute if the numbers don't come in right a week or two from now?

    Props to Jake Scott. That guy knew what to do, and he did it.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Jake must have been really tortured when asked to sign this book 400 times. I wonder if he donated his fee to charity>

    Super Bowl XL Opus MVP Edition (Leather Bound)
    by Dave Anderson, Red Smith, Jr., Roy Blount, David Halberstam (Foreword), Jr., Walter Iooss (Photographer), Heinz Kluetmeier (Photographer), Neil Leifer (Photographer)

    List Price: $40,000.00
    Price: $40,000.00 & this item ships for FREE with Super Saver Shipping. Details

    From the Inside Flap
    The incredible MVP Edition of Super Bowl XL Opus—Limited to 400 copies, each of which includes a page that is personally signed by every living MVP in the history of the Super Bowl!
  3. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Just reread Hyde's piece again. Excellent work.

    After reading again though, I am having a hard time envisioning Scott sitting down with some PR lackey to sign 400 copies of a book that will sell for $40,000 each.

    It kind of blows the Scott image for me.
  4. blondebomber

    blondebomber Member

    What does one have to do with the other? Nolan Ryan or Arnold Palmer or Roger Staubach or Pat Tillman or Muhammad Ali never accepted money for his autograph?

    Why must class/principles and doing an autograph signing be exclusive of one another?

    When I read the Jake Scott piece, he reminded me a lot of Ted Williams in a way. His own man. Fuck everybody else and what they think. Ted Williams charged for a few autographs in his day.

    Ali has a book that goes for $12,500. Care to dismiss his principles, too?

    "All 10,000 copies are individually signed by Muhammad Ali and Jeff Koons."
  5. Columbo

    Columbo Active Member

    Well, in Hyde's piece there was the Scott quote about not going to Detroit last February "for only $8,000"....

    So, I think that that was present in the piece.

    It does take away from the driven-snow image of the man, but I got the distinct idea from that article that the man could be bought.
  6. Bruhman

    Bruhman Active Member

    sure he can...

    ... just not for eight grand. ;)
  7. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Exactly - everyone else signed the book in Detroit. Some lackey must have had to fly to Hawaii to have Scott sign. I bet it was for more than $8000.

    Soneone else must have ventured on to his porch ......ah ah mr scott can I ....I... get you to sign 400 of these b ...bb...books?
  8. TrojanHorse

    TrojanHorse Guest

    ahhh, you miss the point. Jake Scott ventured out only once in a while to meet the public and deal with that, and so he took some money for it. but he's done it what, once-twice-three-maybe? ted williams is not a good comparison. ted, and dimaggio, sold anything they could at the end, although ted's son was a big part of that.

    jake scott, like him or not, is his own man, and always has been.

    we all secretly wish we had the integrity to tell the world to fuck off, don't we? thing is, jake had the bucks to do that, and you and i would also.

    i'd love to see jake scott meet george w. bush. i bet bush would wilt after a couple of minutes and then ask if he could wipe jake's ass.

    jake scott and pat tillman probably are a lot alike. and for all the right reasons, if you wanna get down to honesty and integrity and moral values, which is a pretty good place to get down to, if you ask me.
  9. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    That brings us around to my original observation - the iconiclast free safety - from Jake Scott to Pat Tillman.
  10. henryhenry

    henryhenry Member

    integrity? principles? what hogwash.

    jack scott gave nothing back. he took a lot, from his school, and sport, and city - and gave nothing back.

    he's a hermit - big deal. we're supposed to aspire to that? envy him? he sits at a bar every night - like a zillion other lushes - and does what? sits next to a few other hermits.

    the best that can be said of him is that he didn't hurt anybody or break the law. low crossbar.
  11. henryhenry

    henryhenry Member

    jake. not jack.
  12. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Jack Scott kidnapped Patty Hurst and almost ruined the career of Bill Walton
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