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Jim Thome Statue

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by MankyJimy, Aug 16, 2011.

  1. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    maybe i have too much of a man crush on him but i really think he's one of the nicest guys in the game. i think he really meant that at the time. but it was stupid of him to say that. by him saying that did Shapiro think 'he'll give us a huge hometown discount.' Philadelphia paid him about $20 mil more than Cleveland offered. are there many guys who'd be nice enough to take $20 mil less.
  2. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    To reiterate an obvious point. There is drug testing now. If a player doesn't fail any tests, he must be accorded the benefit of the doubt. Thome is clean until proven otherwise.
    There is no evidence, or even rumor, Thome took steroids in the 1990s. Of course that's not proof of anything, since proving a negative is impossible, but at some point skepticism becomes paranoia, and I think this is the point right here.
  3. OklahomaSports

    OklahomaSports New Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Haha yeah it is. "how can we be sure he's clean?".

    Hes probably taken hundreds of drug tests this decade and hasn't gotten caught. I get the steroid era took the innocence away from players but if we're gonna give somebody the benefit of the dour, how the hell do we not give it to Thome? And I'm the moron.
  4. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Yes, you are. Or just another naive journalist who will get bitten in the ass by puff pieces you write.

    You know who else has taken hundreds of drug tests and hasn't been caught. 75% of the NFL and Lance Armstrong. Like I said earlier I am not accusing him, I'm just no stupid enough to declare anybody clean.

    Why is it necessary to include it in the story?
  5. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Isn't skepticism natural? Someone pointed out on one of these threads that until Barry Bonds, there were three people in the 600 home run club. Then in less than ten years, five guys got there, too. We know Bonds, Alex Rodriguez and Sammy Sosa had chemical help. We know that Mark McGwire, Rafael Palmiero, Manny Ramirez and Gary Sheffield, who got past 500 home runs used too. Maybe Ken Griffey Jr. and Jim Thome were clean. But when you have fairly definitive proof that so many others from their era who put up those kinds of numbers had PED help, the skepticism about everyone and anyone is natural, it's not paranoia.

    Prior to all the evidence that has come to light over the last few years, I used to get into arguments with people on here about PEDs, and they'd use the phrase "witch hunt." I always said, that the major difference between this and a witch hunt is that there is no such thing as a witch.
  6. OklahomaSports

    OklahomaSports New Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Haha alright man. We have no reason to believe that he was roide during any point in his career. I fail to see the relevance of your Lance Armstrong point. Are you saying that he was juiced up? Because I'll give him the benefit of the doubt as well. I refuse to get in to a battle of personal attacks with you. I'm not in the third grade and this sure as hell isn't the playground. If you think you know what kind of journalist I am, then more power to ya.
  7. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Benefit of the doubt is a hell of a lot different than making a definitive statement that he is a clean.
  8. imjustagirl

    imjustagirl Active Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Are people still giving Lance the benefit of the doubt? Is this 2005?
  9. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    I'm sure Oklahoma sports is, since you know, he's taking hundreds of drug tests and never failed.
  10. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Other players know who is clean and who is not clean. If Thome was juicing it would have come out through a comment or off the record statement from another player that was sick of seeing Thome treated like a saint while the other juicers were being dragged through the mud.

    That's the way it happens. Someone asks a question about Thome doing all this the natural way and some player, who had a friend get hammered or maybe was dragged through the mud himself, rolls his eyes and doesn't say anything. Then a journalist that has a relationship with that player asks him about it later.

    This has NEVER happened in the Thome case. There have been NO other players even hinting he may be dirty. In fact, I have never heard a baseball player say anything about Jim Thome other than "he is the nicest guy you will ever meet" or "dude works his ass off."

    It is absolutely to take a "guilty until proven innocent" approach with Thome, Griffey and those who were never accused or anything. Thome never used. Plain and simple. If he had I would have heard about it. Believe me or not, but that is the truth.
  11. JC

    JC Well-Known Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    If I had to bet I would bet he hasn't used. I am not naive enough to make a definitive statemen t that he hasn't though.

    I'm sure you are just that important. Just another sycophant sportswriter. Being nice means he didn't use? Pollyanna horseshit.

    How many times do you guys have to get burnt by "nice guys"?

    Carlton you really believe you're in his inner circle?
  12. CarltonBanks

    CarltonBanks New Member

    Re: Jim Thome

    Saing I would have heard about it is not even remotely close to claiming I an "in his inner circle." Do you even pay attention to some of the stupid shit you post?

    I have never been burnt by a "nice guy" because I don't take anyone's word for anything. I confirm facts and quote people when I have to quote people. If you put yourself into the position to get burnt by anyone you really don't know what you are doing and should probably look for another line of work. Go flop some Whoppers or something...that way you won't have to worry about getting "burnt" by someone like Jim Thome.
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