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Job keeps me from getting traffic ticket

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by MTM, Apr 29, 2009.

  1. MU_was_not_so_hard

    MU_was_not_so_hard Active Member

    Only happened once. I was interning in Alabama a few years back. Got pulled over coming home from a game.
    Cop asked what the hurry was and I explained I'd just covered a football game and was trying to avoid blowing deadline.
    He looked at my car -- which at the time was an '85 Dodge Diplomat (this was 2002, by the way) -- and let me go.
    I think he just felt sorry for what I had to drive.
  2. Norman Stansfield

    Norman Stansfield Active Member

    Add me to the list of those saved by their jobs.

    Twice it's happened to me. Once I actually had a copy of that day's section in my front seat, with my front-page story on the local NFL team prominently displayed.

    I showed it to the cop, encouraged him to take it, and he let me off with a verbal warning :D
  3. beanpole

    beanpole Member

    Only happened once -- very early in my career when I was a cops reporter, and I had spend Friday night at a girlfriend's apartment about 30 miles away. I had to be back in the city at 9 a.m. Saturday to cover a state police bust (cops had sent fake letters to people wanted for misdeameanors and felonies and invited them to the civic center, saying they won free season football tickets to the local U. You should have seen their faces when they got busted).

    Anyway, I got pulled over driving 70 in a 55. When the state trooper asked me why I was in such a hurry, I told him what I was supposed to be covering. He gave me a double-take, ran my plates and let me off with a warning.
  4. RossLT

    RossLT Guest

    I am fairly certain I got a ticket once because I was a journalist. Cop had the same last name as a local athlete who thought he was a lot better than he was. I found out later he was an uncle or something who my SE said was "The biggest asshole you may ever meet".
  5. Gutter

    Gutter Well-Known Member

    Pulled over after covering my first game at my first full-time job out of college. Told him why I was going a little fast (game went into double OT) and where I was headed.

    Let me off with a verbal warning.
  6. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    I got pulled over doing 103 in a 45 with an underage girl in the car.

    I ended up putting the trooper's son on our all-state second-string team.

    If the drug-sniffing dog wouldn't have had a cold, the kid would have made varsity.
  7. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    It's not the job.
  8. Trey Beamon

    Trey Beamon Active Member

    Given my luck, the cop would tack on additional charges for not getting his kid's name in the paper enough.
  9. RossLT

    RossLT Guest

    You got away with 103 in a 45?
  10. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Great stuff ...
    Been cut loose in traffic court because I worked for the paper. Not been given tickets because I worked for the paper.
    Don't really care if it was an ethical violation or not.
  11. Oggiedoggie

    Oggiedoggie Well-Known Member

    In truth, I've been cut loose for speeding tickets in some situations and nailed in otheres in which the offenses were much more minor. There's no real way to tell why.

    The police officer might be at the end of his shift and doesn't want to do the paper work ... He might feel sorry for you ... He might used to have a car like yours ... It could be the job at the newspaper ...


    He might not like the way you look ... Your attitude ... He might have had a fight with his wife ... It could be the job at the newspaper ...

    We can never really know.
  12. billikens

    billikens Member

    I have no idea if it was due to my job or just catching a cop in a good mood, but I also escaped a ticket as a reporter.

    Due to an error on someone's (likely my) part, our schedule had the wrong home team listed for a football game. The newsroom was just about the midway point between the two schools, and it was about a half hour drive to either. I showed up 45 minutes early to the wrong location, then cursed a string of profanities all the way back to the other school.

    With about 10 minutes of drive time to go, I happened to be coming over a hill going 76 in a 65. At that moment, cop was coming the other way. Busted.

    When he asked why I was in such a hurry, I told him the situation. He said he was a graduate of another rival conference school, that both schools I was covering sucked, neither was worth risking my life, and that I should slow down. Then he ran my license/tags and let me off with a warning and "next time, you should cover (his old school)."

    I was elated to have only missed the first quarter of the game.
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