Party discipline. Letting Lieberman off scot-free would be a mistake. Even if it's just taking away his committee chairmanship and relegating him to a sub-committee chairmanship, Senate Democratic leadership has to do something. Otherwise they appear weak and powerless and they are inviting future rebellions. The Republicans would never tolerate an active member of their caucus giving a speech at the Democratic Convention, endorsing and actively campaigning for the Democratic presidential nominee without some sort of punishment. Harry Reid shouldn't either. Now, if the Democrats somehow end up with 58 seats plus Bernie Sanders, then and only then, can Reid justify making a deal with Lieberman to retain his committee assignments and committee chairmanship in exchange for his vote on all future procedural motions.
Good to see Drip did his research before asking. But on the bright side, I bet all of those losers knew that Africa is a continent.
Well, back in Clay's time, some pols thought that Africa was a continent for the purpose of bringing in slaves.
It's good to see that you know about Africa and that you enjoy copying my posts. Why? I have no idea but it's nice to see.
Not so fast. The Dems may need him to break a filibuster. Get rid of him, and the Republicans welcome him with open arms.
You make good points, Dan O., but Reid could express the fact that he was ticked off at Lieberman and say that in private. You would still have a guy who would vote with the party 60 to 70 percent of the time. the Republicans pretty much snubbed Jim Jeffries in 2001 and treated him poorly, and they ended up losing majority control of the Senate for most of that term.
I'm sorry, but you don't get to trash the Dem. nominee to the RNC and then be a Dem. committee chair. He can caucus with the Dems, I'm sure, but he ain't chairing anything, unless Reid's dumber than I think.
Word on the street around here is that my congressman John Larson will try and take over for Lieberman in a few years. In the meantime, there's a good chance he'll (Larson) take over Rahm Emanuel's House Caucus Chair.
Benedict, er, Lieberman is in the fight of his political life. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid would love to strip Lieberman's chairmanship of the Homeland Security panel and his caucus membership. Lieby backed the wrong horse and now it's time to pay up.
I look back at my previous posts on this thread and just shake my head. Mea culpa. A link to back up what Drip just said.,0,3753079.story