1. It wasn't back-to-back. There was an election in 2004. Some guy named Kerry lost to this Bush fella. You might remember it. 2. Joe Lieberman wasn't on the ticket this time. So your entire question is pointless. 3. Even if he were on the ticket, no, he wouldn't be the first. Adlai Stevenson lost two consecutive presidential races as the Democratic nominee. Read a damned history book. Why did you come back, boots?
Perhaps I should've rephrased it so that it was clearer. True he wasn't on the ticket but he made enough noise to make it appear that he was. That was the point we were making. As for Stevenson, yes, you are correct. I completely forgot about him. So I missed it. I don't think that it bothered anyone except you. As for boots, what are you talking about?
Not too mention that some guy named Mondale was VP on Carter's failed re-election bid, then majorly failed himself four years later.