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Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by beeranyone, Dec 9, 2008.

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  1. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    It isn't a "boo freakin hoo" issue. That, as much as anything, indicates that you don't understand what people have against your contributions to this thread.

    This is a subject you should have disqualified yourself from before typing a word, because you have some sort of hard-on about Jones.
  2. Boom_70

    Boom_70 Well-Known Member

    Stay over in your little club. As usual you add nothing here at the big kids table.
  3. Frank_Ridgeway

    Frank_Ridgeway Well-Known Member

    Oddly enough, that's the place where I give it sporadic reads, in medical waiting rooms. It's not my thing, but then, most mags disappoint me. I like only about half the stuff in my favorite mag, Esquire. But what I like, I like a lot.
  4. I stood at the wintery border between Vermont and Canada wondering whether to just disappear into the wilderness that is the Great White North or whether I should stoop to responding to you. I had taken my first step into the deep snow when I lost the courage. I had to know. I had to know.

    Shotty - what sort of qualifications are required to respond to threads that begin with the fanboy cliche of "Longtime listener, first time caller"? Is it required that I agree with you? What are your qualifications? Are you a frequent caller?

    As I look back at the pages of this thread - I see that there are very few who are actually trying to discuss Jones' writing and you ain't one of them.
  5. Martin - thanks for your well thought out and civil response.

    I have to disagree with you though. If legacy is what Jones was reaching for - wouldn't it make sense to use legacy as some sort of underlying theme in the rest of the installments? Was Jeter trying to enhance his legacy by signing all those items? What is the legacy angle of the frozen pretzel or the vendor who sold it to young Jones? Herky, jerky, mumbo, jumbo. That's what I see in this mailed in piece. Others see greatness and I have to wonder why.
  6. Piotr Rasputin

    Piotr Rasputin New Member

    Year-end pieces are generally difficult to write.

    They're also difficult to read, especially if you have followed sports all year. Tough for new and different insight to be unearthed.

    I had high hopes, but I couldn't get through this one.
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Don't stoop anymore. There are some things I don't have to give well-carved responses to, and your rantings are one of them.


    And Boom, everyone here knows it's laughable for you to even make mention of the "big kids table." You've never been part of it here.
  8. You're not done.

    Your self importance will keep you coming back.
  9. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I can't be self important.

    I don't blog.

    Lockdown long overdue here.
  10. Wait - you didn't find it herculean? It wasn't the best piece of sportswriting you've read in a long time? I'm shocked.

    Look out Shotty will question your qualifications for making such a "rash" judgment and THE Jones fan club will shun you.
  11. You keep saying the word "done" but I don't think that word means what you think it means.
  12. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    I do much of my magazine reading in these rooms as well. But The New Yorker is the only one I'm tempted to steal. ESPN is the kind of mag that should stay at rest on a tiled shithouse floor.
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