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Juan Williams Fired from NPR

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by YankeeFan, Oct 21, 2010.

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  1. secretariat

    secretariat Active Member

    Now you're comparing apples and oranges. President Obama had to answer to the voters, who decided the comment wasn't bad enough to vote against him. Jesse Jackson doesn't really answer to anyone, except maybe the Rainbow/Push board, if he's still even with them.

    Juan Williams had to answer to his superiors at NPR, and they decided what he said was worthy of termination. And I don't know how you got that out of what Williams said. Maybe I'm still reading it wrong after eight times.

    EDIT: Of course there's no evidence. Williams would have to be 19 kinds of retarded to have told anyone his plans, except maybe the folks at Fox News, who he knows wouldn't leak it. This isn't a court of law. I'm entitled to present my opinion. And my opinion is he knew what he was doing. Just as your opinion is he was being honest and heartfelt. Agree to disagree.
  2. 21

    21 Well-Known Member

    Just sayin, If you called someone '19 kinds of retarded' on the air you'd probably be fired.
  3. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Most people wouldn't consider it socially acceptable for a message board either.
  4. secretariat

    secretariat Active Member


    Also, given some of the shit that gets posted here, including on this thread, including by you, I'm not too worried about what you consider socially acceptable.
  5. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    See, that's why I assumed the earlier typo was mine. Brain cramp on that one.

    What's your excuse?

    terrior all but uses the term house nigger. You throw around the word retarded. And neither of you back off your comments. You both double down.

    Do you use the word retarded in your daily life? At least Rahm Emanuel had the good sense to apologize when he used the term. The president also apologized after he made his Special Olympics crack on Leno.

    But, I guess it's ok for you.

    Pretty interesting that on a thread about a journalist getting fired for the words he chose that the two of you would choose your words so carelessly.
  6. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Probably true.

    But I think it's more likely that NPR was looking for an excuse to fire Juan than it is that Juan was looking to get out.

    And, I think they acted too quickly and did not expect to receive as much criticism as they've received.

    And, I still think they will live to regret it. Their on air personalities/hosts will now come under greater scrutiny as a result and they will very likely be called on to fire someone else very soon.
  7. secretariat

    secretariat Active Member

    Who said I was a journalist? Who said I wasn't a journalist? What does it matter?

    And you must really enjoy typing the n-word. I bet you're tickled to death terrier gave you the excuse.

    Also, it's Rahm Emanuel. And I'll apologize when you apologize for repeatedly typing the n-word.
  8. YankeeFan

    YankeeFan Well-Known Member

    Your apology is conditional? If so, it can't be very sincere and thus is worthless.

    And I'm not sure why I owe an apology for pointing out terrior's post.

    I take no "glee" in typing the word. Please see my response to Mark2010's posts. It's an ugly, repugnant word. I do not use it.

    I would type the "N" word if he had just implied that word. I'm not sure what a good substitute for terrior's phrase is. And since he didn't have the guts to actually type it, I think it was important to point out what he meant.

    Did you have a negative reaction to seeing the word? Good. That's the reaction I had to seeing terrior's post.

    I'll type "House N" in the future if that will help. I have no need or desire to keep typing that word.
  9. secretariat

    secretariat Active Member

    All evidence to the contrary.

    And you're right. My apology wouldn't be sincere. I'm not sorry. I guess this will cost me any future position with National Public Radio. :(

    But now that I know you have a threshold for offensive posts, I'll be sure to be on the lookout for you to point out anything bad or offensive said on this site in the future. I'm not going to look through your 6,300 posts to see if you pointed out anything offensive not said by Mark2010. But surely you did.

    That's all for now. I'm heading to dinner.
  10. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    Stop asking secretariat about his work. Maybe he hasn't decided what he wants to be:

    I might drive a truck, I might drive a train
    I might sail a boat or fly an airplane
    Might take a rocket ship to the moon
    I'm growin' pretty fast, so it might be soon

    When I get big, when I get big
    That's what I'm gonna do when I get big
  11. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    Sure. Interlocks will often end up messy, as this one did. And it's a further concentration of widely available reportage/opinions into fewer hands.

    And I'm giggling at this thread in the way I giggled at the Clarence Thomas hearings, when Jesse Helms went balls to the wall for a black man, and Ted Kennedy went balls to the wall against a black man.
  12. Baron Scicluna

    Baron Scicluna Well-Known Member

    Actually, it's spelled terrier.

    So apologize for misspelling his name :)
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