Whoops--not so fast, everyone. The manager said tonight that the comments were made "in jest." http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1556258/20070403/rolling_stones.jhtml
Yeah, can't understand why people didn't know it was a "joke." : I'm still not sure I don't believe it.
So, is Keith's agent trying to let us know that even Keith Richards has a line he won't cross? Yeah, I ain't buyin it, either.
that is AWESOME. People will look at Keith Richards snorting his dad's ashes and say "Now there's a guy that self-destructed, not because society didn't care but because his dad's ashes were society!" Now that's deep.
Just lends credence to a story I heard a loooong time ago. If a nuclear bomb ever wiped out the world, only two things would survive....Cockroaches and Keith Richards.