As a huge Stones and Keith Richards fan, I'm actually kind of disappointed he didn't snort his dad. It was funny last night when my wife told me about it. I was watching the Mets-Cardinals game in our living room and she had just read it on the internets. "Did you hear about Keith Richards?" she said "No ... what? He's not dead is he?" I said. "Uh no, his dad is. He snorted his ashes. ..." She went on to tell the story and was indignant about it, expecting an incredulous reaction from me too. "He says it was to honor his dad, that's no way to honor the dead!" she said, seeing no reaction from me at all. "What? Don't you think that's weird?" "Oh yeah it's weird. But it's Keith Richards, what do you expect? Oh yeah, and he can do whatever he wants in my book. I'd be honored if he snorted me."
Overheard from heaven... "You buy shit off the streets that's 90 percent baking powder, you run that up your nose, you buy a bag of shake that's mostly yard mulch, you roll that up and smoke it and you won't run me...ME, your dear old dad up your nose?!?" "The hell with ya, son."