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Knicks-Nuggets megabrawl??

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Yes, Isaiah is an incompetent idiot (just to get it out of the way).

    I saw a lot of different things at play in this, but to a large degree the two coaches were responsible...

    The Denver starters shouldn't have been on the floor (no, that isn't an excuse for a punk foul and starting a brawl, but it is a fact). I watched the entire fourth quarter this morning. Karl was definitely rubbing it in. The Denver players weren't being obnoxious, but they were playing loose and having fun at the Knicks expense.

    In 99 percent of NBA games, it would have been garbage time for the team up by that much, but Karl had his starters out there. This was definitely George Karl's hatred of Isaiah Thomas (and Karl's friendship with Larry Brown) on full display.

    Isaiah, of course, was idiot enough to take the bait. And his frustrated players apparently fed off the bullshit coming from courtside. Isaiah was definitely jawing at Carmello Anthony before the incident and smirking, so lord knows what he was saying. The announcers on the local broadcast even said, "I have no idea what Isaiah is smiling at." About 20 seconds later, it became apparent.
  2. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    I don't think Stern is going to sit down a major star like 'Melo for that long, tommyp, not for an incident that falls well short of the Palace brawl. Throwing a punch is an automatic 1-game suspension, so giving Melo 5 or 10 would still be considered pretty harsh.

    And by the way, to the folks who have said 'Melo's a wuss for backpedaling, I find it hard to believe that a guy who came from where he came from is suddenly going to wet his pants in an NBA fight. That brawl probably seemed like a birthday party compared to some of the things Carmelo has seen. It's more likely that he realized after stupidly throwing that punch that getting into a serious fight might get him the Artest punishment in addition to being bad for his image and bad for his team. I don't know if he was being scared or being smart, but I don't think he should get criticized for it. If he had stood and fought, we'd be talking about a far worse scene right now.

    And Nate Robinson might be a punk, but he's a tough punk. This is a guy who's put together pretty well and has played big-time college football, so it's likely that he can handle himself. Whoever said Marcus Camby would have taken him out is crazy. Camby would be on the injured list before the fight even ended.
  3. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    TOUGH SHIT and FUCK THE KNICKS IF THEY CAN'T WIN. Playing loose and having fun? Good for them. At the Knicks expense? Good. and if Isiah Thomas wasn't the Dick Cheney of basketball besides being a dumb son of a bitch, it might be an issue. But again TOUGH SHIT AND FUCK THE KNICKS. Play some defense and win the game.

    And there's no rule against following the rules and playing 48 minutes a game. If Thomas understood that, he wouldn't be the dumb shit he is.

    Again, Thomas and his team quit before the end of the game and got hammered for it, good. Someone should have hit Thomas
  4. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    There's no way Robinson should get more time than Anthony. He didn't go into the stands by choice, Smith lunged at him and they both ended up toppling into the first row. There's no way Anthony threw a sucker-punch and immediately thought, "I better get out of here so I don't get in more trouble by the league." He more likely thought, "I better get my punk ass out of here before all his teammates come after me."

    I can't believe Smith isn't taking more heat for this. It was a pretty hard foul, but not as bad as Bell's on Kobe last year IMO. Collins came down hard on his shoulders and then immediately let up.

    I say everyone gets one game, maybe 2 for Collins. Then 5 for Smith, 7 for Robinson, 10 for Anthony. Not saying that's what will happen just what I think should.
  5. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    Thomas is clearly an idiot and his postgame comments only illustrated that, but he does have a point about running up the score. I know you can say don't get beat by 20 and you don't have to worry about who's on the floor with a minute to go, but I think it's one of those unwritten rules, like you don't press/fast break late in a blowout, you don't leave your starters in either. It seemed that Denver was doing two of those three things. I have no idea if Thomas said anything to his players to incite this, but I know if I was on his team I wouldn't need to hear anything from my coach to do something like Collins did. He was frustrated that they were getting their asses kicked and he was tired of getting dunked on. He saw another opportunity coming and he made sure it didn't happen, it's part of the game. It may not be sportsmanlike but it's not an unusual reaction for a competitor.
  6. BYH

    BYH Active Member

    Great point. If Kenyon's in the house, there might have been body bags.

    After this debacle, Isiah might have a hard time getting work distributing soup at a soup kitchen. What a piece of shit.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Smith and Collins probably get 5 each. Melo and Robinson get 15-20. A bunch of other guys get anywhere from 1-3.

    Smith was running his mouth at Collins, nothing more, before little punk Robinson jumped in. Then Melo came in and pushed Robinson, sending hiim and Smith into the front row, before Melo's weak sucker punch--and-run act on Collins.
    If Robinson stays out of it, it doesn't escalate. If Melo stays out of it, it's over much more quickly than it was. Those 2 deserve the most serious suspensions...15 to 20 games apiece.
  8. zeke12

    zeke12 Guest

    Wow, this might be the only chance I ever get to type this, so here goes:

    Hondo is 100 percent correct. Carmelo Anthony is the biggest pussy I've ever seen in professional sports.

    Has he stopped running yet?
  9. DyePack

    DyePack New Member

    I think you're wrong, asshole.

    I scoff often at the NBA and its thuggery, but for someone to say the NHL is so much more evolved is ludicrous.

    And apparently my details were off about Hartford, which is why I said a team had folded. I knew the franchise had decided to leave Hartford with no future in mind. Right about that time, the league added several teams, and I didn't recall that Hartford had moved to a new city and changed its name. But the person who said I claimed the league hadn't expanded is just flat-out wrong.
  10. fleishman

    fleishman Active Member

    amazing to believe this clown is coming up on his third anniversary running the show..
  11. broadway joe

    broadway joe Guest

    Exactly right. This is why taunting and running up the score are bad ideas, at any level. This is why the people who say, "if you don't like getting blown out, get better" don't get it. What the Knicks did was wrong, but it was completely predictable. If you run up the score, don't be surprised of somebody takes a cheap shot at you.
  12. suburbia

    suburbia Active Member

    I would have a big problem if that first sentence is true, because it shouldn't matter if 'Melo is a star or not. If he deserves a 15-20 game suspension (and I think he does), then give it to him. Stern made a statement with the suspensions he doled out for the Malice at the Palace and he needs to do so again here.

    Fair point. If he hadn't backed off, I'd be calling for him to get an Artest-esque suspension.
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