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Knicks-Nuggets megabrawl??

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. In all seriosness, why is this such a big deal? Fights happen in every sport. You get a bunch of athletes hyped up on adrenaline together, fights happen.
    It went into the stands because of where the foul took place, and because seats are on the floor at MSG. Nobody was hurt.
    Should players be suspended, yes. But is it really that big of a deal? No.
    In baseball, when benches clear it's just a case of boys being boys. SportsCenter jokes about it. When it happens in hockey, fans cheer.
    When it happens in basketball, people act like it's the end of the world. Hate to pull a Scoop Jackson here, but there's got to be some sort of latent racism brewing here.
  2. HejiraHenry

    HejiraHenry Well-Known Member

    I didn't think of this at first ... but I've arrived at the point this morning where I think Isiah should get the harshest penalty for being the instigator.
  3. fleishman

    fleishman Active Member

    for those with espn news, conference call with david stern coming up..
  4. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    And here are the suspensions ...

    Melo -- 15 games
    J.R. Smith -- 10 games
    Nate Robinson -- 10 games
    Mardy Collins -- 6 games
    Jared Jeffries -- 4 games
  5. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Each team fined $500,000.

    Jerome James and Nene 1 game each for leaving the bench
  6. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    Wow, 4 for Jeffries? Seems harsh for someone who didn't throw a punch or commit a flagrant foul.
  7. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Isiah gets off scot-free!
  8. Riddick

    Riddick Active Member

    I'm a Melo fan, but I think he deserves more for that chicken-shit move. What a chump!
  9. Oz

    Oz Well-Known Member

    Well, I suppose fining each team $500,000 would be holding Isiah accountable for his part.
  10. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    My first thought. His teammate was sucker punched and he went after the guy. Didn't throw a punch. 10 for Smith is really, really harsh as well.
  11. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Fucking ridiculous.

    The only thing I can imagine is maybe Dolan has told Stern that Isiah is about to be fired anyway.

    Bullshit, when you let the little weasel cocksucker who precipitated the whole fucking thing walk free.
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Isaih probably denied saying anything to Melo. And you know that Melo isn't snitching.
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