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Knicks-Nuggets megabrawl??

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. fmrsped

    fmrsped Active Member

    Wow. At first I thought you only hated old, white coaches, and now this revelation.

    Are you a former NBA player?

    Can I pick your brain one day? I find you fascinating. And when I say fascinating, I mean puzzling, with a hint of douchebaggery. Feel free to use that one in your sig.
  2. Toolbox

    Toolbox Member

    I sense just a little bit of angst here ... not that I blame you. It's been said a couple times on this thread, but it holds true: If Isiah didn't want to see the score get run up like it was then PLAY SOME F-IN DEFENSE. Needless to say, I bet you Larry Brown is off somewhere with a huge grin on his face now that he's no longer there.
  3. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    When I saw this, I was really hoping it would be Dave D'Alessandro and obviously I wasn't disappointed.

    My interest in the NBA has waned massively since I stopped covering it, but I read D'Alessandro every time I get the chance.
  4. Starman

    Starman Well-Known Member

    Well, strangely enough, Larry Brown has whined about precisely this type of thing many times in his career. Larry and Isiah really are quite alike underneath it all -- always ready with a handy scapegoat to blame when your own best-laid plans turn completely into shit.
  5. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    Good call on Larry and Isiah, Starman.
    Why do you think they couldn't get along? A couple of phoinies who were busy blaming each other.
  6. fleishman

    fleishman Active Member

    you're right, that may be the best column on this debacle speaking strictly from a baskletball standpoint. Not that the timing is ever good in something like this, but the fact that it came just four days after dolan said he'd get the year and just six days before his third anniversary on the job:

    also, not sure if everyone saw this but this is the nuggets telecast of the events:

  7. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    Only different in terms of the whole "competence at their job" thing.
  8. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    I disagree. Jeffries showed intent to keep that brawl going by going after Anthony after Anthony's punk-ass punch. He did nothing to ease the situation and the NBA is going to throw the book at you for that.

    For that reason, I think Robinson should have been suspended as long as Anthony was.

    And no suspension for Thomas? That's the worst punishment the Knicks got. :D
  9. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Did Anthony deserve 15 games? You betcha. J.R. Smith and Nate Robinson? Sure.

    But I want you all to stick with me on this one for a bit, and offer me some justification.

    Let's say I have a family of five.

    Well, Mr. Stern & Co. have already pretty much priced themselves out of my range, but I really loves me some NBA. So I try to get the family out to a game or two a year.

    Maybe I'm within driving distance of Portland. Well, I see Denver's coming in on Jan. 14. Get to show the kids one of the game's top players? OK. Might as well skip right past dealing with the NBA for tickets; only way you're going to get a ticket is through the brokers (A/K/A LEGALIZED TICKET SCALPERS, but that's another thread).

    Looking on StubHub, I can get five seats together in a nosebleed section for $45 each. By the time you're done with handling charges and all that, we're out close to $300.

    You can count on spending another $100 at the game for parking, concessions. At least. So we're talking about $400 for a night out.

    And NOW you're going to tell me, yeah, you're going to see the Denver Nuggets, but we've decided you're NOT going to see Carmelo Anthony.

    Oh. OK. I would have paid $400 for Earl Boykins and Yakhouba Diawara anyway.

    Right. Thank you, Mr. Stern. May I have A-FUCKING-NOTHER?!?


    Make them feel it ... in their wallet. Make damn sure they feel it.

    But you all tell ME why Joe Fan should have to pay for it.
  10. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    Shottie, you're my boy and all, but I don't agree with that opinion at all.

    Legally, you pay for the teams on the ticket, not for the players in the uniforms. So the fan isn't "paying" for anything other than what the ticket says.

    Realistically, you pay for the players in the uniform, I get what you're saying. But the PR bounce the NBA gets from showing it means disciplinary business with these brawls means more in the long run than the disappointment of those buying a Nuggets ticket for the 15 games Anthony is out.

    If you do nothing about it, as the NBA pretty much did back in the 70s for those brawls that many here look back to with such fondness, the damage to the sport is very difficult to repair.

    I think many have forgotten that those 70s brawls led to the NBA depression in the late 70s, when the image of the league was that of a bunch of brawling coke-heads, and even though it was an overblown perception, it became reality with the casual sports fan. The NBA's image outside of its own cities was VERY low. Tape-delayed NBA Finals, the whole nine yards.

    Stern knows the NBA cannot thrive with those kinds of image problems, ergo, the suspensions.
  11. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Amigo, if I could spin like that, I wouldn't be wasting my time in the journo business. ;)

    It just seems to me that there are a LOT of things more important to the NBA (and the NFL, and MLB, and the NCAA) than the guy shelling out his hard-earned bucks to watch the product.
  12. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Shotty, I am with you 100 percent. But the alternative is worse. Way more fans are going to be alienated if the league doesn't come down with suspensions, than there are fans who will pay for it in your example.

    The NBA needs to avoid losing more fans. If there aren't suspensions a lot of people will take the attitude: "I am not going to watch those punks play in a league that doesn't even punish them when they get out of control."

    Either way, the fans are the losers. But that's because of the fight in the first place, not because of the way the NBA is handling it. If anything, the league might want to come down with even harsher penalties to try to deter future incidents. From Denver's perspective, they lose Carmelo for 15 games, but they are still going to make the playoffs. The franchise won't love losing him for those 15 regular season games, but they are not going to come down too hard on him.

    But what if the punishment is that he misses a first-round playoff series? The team would care a lot more and as a result, players might really think before they do things like throw sucker punches.
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