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Knicks-Nuggets megabrawl??

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Starman, Dec 16, 2006.

  1. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    I think we're approaching the end of the Dyepack screen name.

    You can literally see the massive flameout gathering steam. The asshol-ish remarks completely out of the blue, the being a dickhead just to be a dickhead, the picking out one or two posters to stalk ... it's all so very familiar.

    But hey, at least he's prepared this time. Already got that Yawn handle up and ready.
  2. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    I haven't watched it enough to see what Robinson did to provoke Smith. Obviously he was jawing but I thought on first viewing that Smith went after him, and ended up underneath him on the ground, where Robinson could have punched him but didn't. Then when they got up Smith threw some limp wristed swing into Robinson's ribs that certainly didn't seem capable of breaking anyone in half. Not defending Robinson, who is definitely a punk, but I think Smith at least has to be in the bitch discussion. The foul wasn't THAT bad, and he didn't really impress with his fighting skills.

    Carmelo musta caught Collins (?, can't remember who he actually threw the punch at) snitching to the refs or something. That by far was the biggest bitch move of the whole thing. Weak, cheap shot and then running like a bitch.

    ...Now back to your random, inane debate over what is better the NHL or NBA, and the expansion histories of each league.
  3. dooley_womack1

    dooley_womack1 Well-Known Member

    I really think Yawn is the new incarnation of bobblehead.
  4. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Far from random and inane only in your apparently not-so-humble opinion, Tittie Kilometres.
  5. Herbert Anchovy

    Herbert Anchovy Active Member

    I wouldn't have known about this unless I read this site. And I'm really OK with that.
  6. Boobie Miles

    Boobie Miles Active Member

    I think it qualifies as random seeing as how this thread is about the biggest brawl in sports in two years. But you're right inane is a judgement call... I'll stand by my initial stance.

    Just saw a replay again, saw that Robinson did in fact throw, yet another, weak punch that instigated Smith to come after him. Also, Melo's still a bitch from running away, and it was pretty weak form, but that shot did seem to land pretty good. Couldn't tell if Collins was staggered by it and fell or just got pulled back by a teammate and lost his footing.

    One thing that I find amazing: generally speaking all NBA players fight like bitches and throw girly punches. It's hardly limited just to that sport, but off the top of my head I can't think of one good fight, with both sides actually looking somewhat tough... maybe that's why they all carry guns.
  7. steveu

    steveu Well-Known Member

    What will Joe Crede be once he becomes a free agent? *ducks rotten tomatoes*
  8. fleishman

    fleishman Active Member

    a couple of things:

    -wouldn't a majority of coaches been more pissed that they gave up 120 points?
    -i'm thinking that nate robinson is lucky that kenyon martin is injured. a healthy
    kenyon martin can't stand the knicks. remember the fugazi incident with tim thomas
    two years ago?
  9. that was such a limp-wristed bitch slap by Carmel-a Anthony, and for him to backpedal all the way to Teaneck, NJ like that was just the icing on the softy cake. 50 games. Sit his "stop snitchin'" ass down for a while.
  10. Michael_ Gee

    Michael_ Gee Well-Known Member

    Pro basketball players can't fight because most of them have never been in a fistfight. Since early childhood, they were so much bigger than everyone around them, nobody wanted to fight them. Also, they make a living with those hands.
    It's a good thing. If they could punch, well, remember Ketmit Washingtoin and Rudy T?
  11. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Isiah Thomas proving, once again, he is one of the dumbest bitches in pro sports and one of the worst human beings to hold a job. He makes Matt Millen look like a member of the Manahattan Project.
  12. Chef

    Chef Active Member

    Isiah should be more than used to getting blown out at home, and having people dunk on his pathetic Knicks all night long...........why is this any different?

    Nate Robinson is a little punk bitch, and I really wish he would have went after Melo......Melo would have punted his punk ass into the stands like Barkley did that basketball at Old Chicago Stadium.

    Nate----10 games
    Melo---3 games
    Mardy---3 games
    all others.......1 game
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