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Last movie you watched......

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jenny Jobs, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. Vombatus

    Vombatus Well-Known Member

    The Man Who Never Was

    Very good WW2 movie involving deception to obfuscate the invasion of Sicily.
    Liut likes this.
  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    ...which could have been explained better had Nolan spent 60 seconds giving a quick explanation of the multiverse. A near impossible task, though.
  3. Buck

    Buck Well-Known Member

    Still could not have save the movie for me because it would still be predicated on McConaughey entering an adjacent space or quasi-space, staying alive, maintaining consciousness and awareness, and being able to perceive, in some form, his own situation as well as beings able to perceive and manipulate occurrences in the adjacent reality from which he came.

    The character dying in an act of sacrifice with no guarantee that the action would result in the continuation of the species - that would have been a good ending.
    The character trapped in the quasi space watching his original reality unfold and realizing the consequences of his choices as the quasi space closes around him - that would have been the best ending.
    Dyno and SFIND like this.
  4. Liut

    Liut Well-Known Member

    Love that movie. Didn't the actual Montague (sp?) have a brief role in the film? IIRC, he might have played one of the army types sitting around the conference table when Clifton Webb pitches the idea of floating a corpse.
  5. RonClements

    RonClements Well-Known Member

    Seen a couple of older movies for the first time.
    First, a 1999 made-for-TV movie with Sidney Poitier - The Simple Life of Noah Dearborn. Pretty decent for what it was, a cheesy, feel-good, predictable movie. The dialogue was ridiculous at times, but Mary Louise Parker was good and Dianne Weist actually won an Emmy for the movie.

    Second, 1944's Lifeboat - a Hitchcock directed movie. Took place during WWII, about folks, including a Nazi soldier, stranded in the middle of the ocean on a, you guessed it, lifeboat. Even now, the movie holds up. Reminded me of Life of Pi, without the flash-forwards or magic islands. Hitchcock was the master of suspense and created plenty of it in this one. The ending was abrupt, yet somehow fitting. Hitchcock was ahead of his time making the film.
  6. Liut

    Liut Well-Known Member

    Excellent take on Lifeboat, Ron. It might sneak in at No. 5 in my top-5 of Hitchcock movies. Did you catch Hitchcock's appearance? I'll admit I didn't the first time I watched it many years ago.
  7. Steak Snabler

    Steak Snabler Well-Known Member

  8. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

  9. RonClements

    RonClements Well-Known Member

    Actually I did not.
  10. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Insurgent. Yes, I am a 15 year old girl.
  11. britwrit

    britwrit Well-Known Member

    Saw the Avengers sequel today and had a perfectly fun time. Didn't think it was quite as good as the first (or The Winter Soldier) but it delivered exactly what the trailers promised.
  12. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    Watched The Imitation Game last night and really enjoyed it. It was quite a bit better than Birman, I thought, though not nearly as ambitious (I get why Birdman won Best Picture, but I won't bother to ever watch it again). Imitation Game wasn't groundbreaking or anything, but it was an intriguing, well-told story with some excellent acting and it was beautifully shot. You can't ask for much more.
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