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Last movie you watched......

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jenny Jobs, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Shows what I know. I enjoyed both. Strictly out of an escapism factor, of course. I'd say both were better than I was expecting them to be.
  2. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Oh, I dunno if they don't want to see a war film, necessarily. They don't want to see the ones that have been made. Jarhead did quite well, as I recall.

    The modern audience - 19-30 year old guys - don't want to see thoughtful war movies. And by "thoughtful" I mean: Thinking is done in them. Or any kind. They watch Full Metal Jacket and get off on it, or they fast forward to the "me so horny" scene and laugh like the cultural idiots they are. This is a culture that heartily embraces the Saw series, which is dehumanizing and disgusting.
  3. Dark Knight and Fred Claus.

    Wanted more Heath Ledger/Joker -- in both flicks.

    Seriously, Giamatti's kid was a funny Santa; dude can act.
  4. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    I could see how in the right frame of mind Stepbrothers could be funny. But Jesus, it's a tough sell to think that two guys that age could act like that.

    If it was James Franco and Seth Rogan in the rolls, or tow very young actors, it would have been much better.
  5. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I thought Stepbrothers was very funny. I expected to hate it.

    Hancock was OK, but the ending was bad.
  6. heyabbott

    heyabbott Well-Known Member

    Almost Famous was on this morning and I watched the whole thing, again.
    I love this movie
  7. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    Wonderful then, wonderful now.
  8. Ben_Hecht

    Ben_Hecht Active Member

    How mammals who stand on two legs can pay Yankee dollars to see Saw (Anything) is beyond my comprehension.
  9. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    Just watched "Choke" which is based on one of Pahlaniuk's books with Sam Rockwell and Anjelica Huston.

    Very good, but dark film. I don't think it was ever in wide release in the US.
  10. Alma

    Alma Well-Known Member

    Piece of work, wasn't it?

    Could you imagine an adaptation of "Guts?"
  11. Huge fan of that movie. WHT to the kid William?
  12. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    He's been in a few things. Last season he starred in an episode of "House".
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