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Last movie you watched......

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jenny Jobs, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

  2. TigerVols

    TigerVols Well-Known Member

    Meh. I'm waiting on the sequel.
  3. justgladtobehere

    justgladtobehere Well-Known Member

    I saw the original "Ocean's Eleven" on Netflix. It looks great. I don't recall what films I have seen that are over 50 years old on a streaming service but the quality of the picture was great. There were a few great scenes, beautiful pans of rooms and a consistent, artistic look to the film making. The writing was a little stilted and played up for the stars, though.
  4. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe a cross-thread but while I'm certainly anticipating 1917, I'm watching that WWII miniseries on Netflix, the "newly restored" colorized films of WWII, and that's fascinating, many details I did not know before, how the Blitzkreig rumbled through Belgium and then into Paris in 5 days! The Poles put up a tougher fight than the French. (I understand the fatigue from WWI but damn just surrendering Paris to spare the structures from bombing? Got to fight a little bit right? I mean at the start of WWII, the French army was supposedly the best in the world.
    Batman likes this.
  5. Small Town Guy

    Small Town Guy Well-Known Member

    Dark Waters with a frumpy Ruffalo is really good. I had never read the NY Times Mag story it's based on. Looking forward to Knives Out this week; it had a few previews in NYC over the weekend but each time I went to look for tix they were already sold out and sounds like it's getting great reviews.

    Also, PSA: If you fall asleep in a movie and start snoring, please have your partner elbow you awake. If you're on a solo outing and do this, please know that everyone else reserves the right to pepper your head with concessions until you wake up. Also have no idea why someone would spend 20 dollars to take a two-hour nap.
  6. ChrisLong

    ChrisLong Well-Known Member

    All the Ford v Ferrari talk has been fun.
    Concurrently, I'm in a Facebook thread with high school friends.
    Phil Hill lived in our city and had his shop there. He was the nicest, friendliest guy around. You could pop into his shop at any time and talk about cars with him, he was always accommodating.
    That discussion spun off to his niece. In ninth grade, she was 5-foot-9, almost fully developed and a total smoke show. My friend started talking about them having to take dance class during PE. They put the boys in one line and the girls in another. You danced with whoever you got paired with in the line. Slow song came up and my friend, who was 5-foot-2, got paired with the lovely Miss Hill. He was the perfect height to slow dance with her. But he was so nervous about it, the coach noticed and changed partners. He did end up with another hottie who was more his height. Good, fun stories.
    misterbc likes this.
  7. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    I guess you never had young kids? Only so many times you can stay awake to Cars, etc.
  8. Small Town Guy

    Small Town Guy Well-Known Member

    If the guy in Dark Waters whose snores drowned out Mark Ruffalo's passionate takedowns of Dupont has kids, they graduated from college in the mid-90s. And I'm all for sleeping in movies; my wife once brought a blanket and pillow to Revenant and curled up in the leather recliner and woke up like three times during the 8-hour movie, each time saying, "Why's everything so gray?" With her, too, I questioned why she wanted to pay just to sleep. "So we could have a date night!"

    Just don't snore so loudly that people have to strain to hear the Dolby surround sound.
    OscarMadison and qtlaw like this.
  9. mpcincal

    mpcincal Well-Known Member

    I thought he was fine. It was definitely a supporting role, playing the guy who proposed building the race car for Le Mans and then serving as the "good cop" to Shelby in the Ford hierarchy. The role got a little less important in the second half of the movie as Lucas' Leo Beebe made more of an impact (understandable at that point in the story). But, yeah, he acquitted himself well among the other heavy hitters in the cast.
  10. Severian

    Severian Well-Known Member

    I saw this already but watched it again.
  11. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Sometimes, it just happens. It's a combination of the darkness, the really comfortable reclining movie-theater seats that are common now, and a movie that doesn't completely hold your attention. You can't help it, and just nod off.

    Happened to me a couple years ago during "Manchester By The Sea," which had all kinds of Academy Award buzz around it in 2017, and for which Casey Affleck won an Oscar. I, unlike the critics, found it incredibly boring and one of the worst supposedly top-quality movies I've ever seen. I couldn't believe that it got so much critical acclaim.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    I get how some people can do it, but I've never felt like I could fall asleep in a movie theater now matter how tired I was. It's odd because I have the family trait of being able to fall asleep through almost anything. I remember my father taking the entire family to Saints games during the brief time we lived in New Orleans when I was a kid. The problem was, my mother didn't like football. One time she brought a book and sat there reading during the game. My father didn't like how that looked and told her not to bring a book the next time he took the family to a game. So, surrounded by 80,000 very loud fans, she fell asleep.
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