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Let me christen the first "American Idol" 2008 thread

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by printdust, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I just missed dreadlock boy. I had company. I'm up to Carly. How was dreadlock boy?
  2. eh, not very memorable to tell you the truth - but not awful
  3. Flash

    Flash Guest

    She's gonna win, isn't she?

    This is one of my favourite Beatles songs. And I don't hate her right now.
  4. Bubbler

    Bubbler Well-Known Member

    How old is the kid who did Stevie Wonder's version of We Can Work It Out? 12?

    I don't get to see American Idol much and the four performances I saw were ghastly. That countrified Eight Days A Week sounded like Hee Haw on meth.
  5. I don't know that she'll win. The most talented doesn't always win - and the faces she makes are frequently awful.
  6. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Here's the thing ... I like it when Simon says they're unforgettable. OK, they might have nice voices but that only gets you so far. You have to do something to get yourself noticed.

    People like Ramielle and the Cook girl rarely do anything noticeable.

    Smithson's album was largely unnoticeable, no matter how well produced it may have been. Go YouTube her single ... it's bland, it's dumbed-down Britney, it's awful in the respect it isn't anything special.

    So now she's doing stuff that gets her noticed. And if she wins this thing and/or signs a record deal, then has to do the stuff -- like her arrangement on Come Together -- that gets her noticed. Otherwise, her next CD will also be available on Amazon for one penny.
  7. ArnoldBabar

    ArnoldBabar Active Member

    If you meant Hernandez, it's not the first time! :D

    (Seriously? I'm the first person to go there? Also, isn't it weird that three of the final five guys are named David? Not even Dave but David?)

    Amanda, stop doing the rock fingers. STOP! It just makes you look like the backward yokel you are.

    I so enjoy looking at Kristy Lee. I really wish she were better.

    If the voting estimate site is to be believed, Archuleta will weather this easily.

    And Simon's right - if David Cook (who is additionally burdened by sharing both first and last names with fellow contestants) didn't have that incredibly stupid-looking hair, he might have a chance.
  8. And now Johns is singing what may be my favorite Beatles song ...
  9. Flash

    Flash Guest

    I wonder if David Cook sounded better within the acoustics of the auditorium ... because it sounded like shit to me but I just suspect it was better than how it sounded.
  10. Randy's being the hard-ass tonight ...

    and Simon couldn't remember Carly's name - but that's OK, I couldn't either, so I called her Delores R'iordan
  11. Flash

    Flash Guest

    Oh and Godhead has already done a rocked-out version of ER, so Cook's version was far from original ...

  12. I like Kristi Lee Cook's arrangement, but she didn't execute it as well as she could have. She appears to be off-pace with the music.
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