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Let's try this again: Hey AP!

Discussion in 'Journalism topics only' started by Clever username, Dec 31, 2006.

  1. luckyducky

    luckyducky Guest

    Speaking of AP requests, do we have a latest line for tomorrow? I would have thought if the gamblers were going to take a holiday it would be, say, Christmas.
  2. Johnny Dangerously

    Johnny Dangerously Well-Known Member

    Isn't there a Web site you can go to directly for that? I seem to recall at our place they have to do that from time to time.
  3. luckyducky

    luckyducky Guest

    This is exactly my second week doing agate part-time. I wouldn't know. Anyone? Bueller?

  4. sportschick

    sportschick Active Member

    Our Vegas line moves on McClatchy, not AP, but this is the Web site associated with whoever does the lines we get.

  5. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    I now have an AP question, not a complaint. With golf agate, what's up with those numbers in parentheses next to the players' names?
  6. luckyducky

    luckyducky Guest

    FedEx Cup points

    I had to delete them. With the money, the line doesn't fit my column.
  7. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    OK, you've got a 28-7 game. You are the AP writer, so it must be explained at some point that you're ALWAYS on somebody's deadline. Why would you move 5 inches 10 minutes after the game, a 28-7 game? Wouldn't you have enough in your laptop to give us, say, 12 inches and let us get the page out?
  8. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    And there it is -- well, 11.90 inches.
  9. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    Yup, and the page, she is gone. Voila. ;)

    But the fact remains, NOBODY is going to be satisfied with 5" on a bowl game. Don't even bother.
  10. luckyducky

    luckyducky Guest

    Unless you're compiling a college FB notebook and just including it in that.

    Not saying we do, but I could see it.
  11. shotglass

    shotglass Guest

    I suppose.
  12. linotype

    linotype Well-Known Member

    I posed a similar question to the AP guy in my state. Here's what he said:

    They're firing out 3-4 graf stories at the final buzzer to get the Internet covered and to fill the needs of those members who want nothing more than a capsule.

    Many times, he said, he has the entire story written by the final horn, but the desk in NY wants the first 4 grafs first because it takes less time to read-and-ship a 4-inch story and then read the rest of the story, than it does to read the entire 500-word story and ship it in one take.
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