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Light the Hot Stove fires

Discussion in 'Sports and News' started by Angola!, Oct 29, 2006.

  1. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    C'mon Gy, there should be no discussion of Finley in the Hall of Fame. Chris is spouting stats that mean nothing.

    And, no offense, but Bernie doesn't have a shot either.
  2. Just to say it once more - I don't think Steve Finley is a Hall of Fame player.

    I do think that his career was better - historically speaking - than many people realized. The fact that he's just one of six player with 300 HR and 300 SB I found to be very interesting but the fact that Reggie Sanders also is in the club tells you that the 300/300 club is not a key to immortality.

    In fact - maybe the most interesting fact about Finley that I did not know was the fact that he's Brady Anderson's brother in law.
  3. Guy_Incognito

    Guy_Incognito Well-Known Member

    I agree with you.
  4. jagtrader

    jagtrader Active Member

    Finley has to get in line WAY behind Griffey, Edmonds, Williams and Jones -- in that order. Jones will probably be No. 2 on this list when he's finished playing.
  5. spnited

    spnited Active Member

    What trade would that be? The Peavy trade that didn't hapen? The one that seems to have been a figment of Crasnick's imagination? The one that isn't even in anybody's rumor mill at the moment?

    Or am I missing something?
  6. casty33

    casty33 Active Member

    Very strange. I don't think Crasnick would make something like this up but I checked the SD Union, as well as MLB.com, and there was no mention of any such trade, even as a rumor. So I don't know where it comes from but it sure seems bogus right now.
  7. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I agree Casty. Crasnick doesn't make stuff up. Maybe it was part of a trade speculation discussion that someone mistook for a news report?
  8. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Why would the Blue Jays give $9 million per year to Frank Thomas? Does this seem idiotic to anyone else?
  9. cranberry

    cranberry Well-Known Member

    I'm sure it sounds terrible to Rich Griffin. He seems to hate everything the Blue Jays do. But the kind of production Frank Thomas can bring is probably worth $9 million.
  10. Angola!

    Angola! Guest

    Well he did hit 39 home runs last season, but he only batted .270, played in just 137 games and is pretty old. I just think it is a pretty strange move.
    Also, I have no idea who Rich Griffin is.
  11. Gold

    Gold Active Member

    With the Yankees aging and the Blue Jays being pretty close to the Red Sox in September, maybe they feel this is a move which might push them to be a serious contender.
  12. outofplace

    outofplace Well-Known Member

    It seems to fit in what the Blue Jays have done the last year or so. They even admit that in some cases they are willing to overpay to bring in the players they need to win because they feel that they have to.

    Thomas is a risk, but if he can play over 130 games again, he will be worth the $9 million.
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