I never lived in Vallejo but there's hardly anyone in the Bay Area (at least within 30 miles of SF/Oak) that doesn't have a roommate and makes less than $40K. But roommate situations are very easy to come by there.
I started at the VTH a few years ago as my first real job after graduating and while the hours and pay sucks, it gave me a great amount of experience that helped land me two other jobs, as I am now a MLB beat writer for a far larger paper. As jeanpaul said, you get to go out to most A's-Giants homestands, at least for one game, you get to cover Raiders-49ers home games, and after working there for a couple months, they give you a sports column. Which is huge for getting your name out there and gaining another sort of experience most prep writers or recent college grads don't get. I traveled once in my time there - down to LA for a basketball tournament - so don't expect travel and I lived with two other roommates in Napa when I was there. It was very difficult, but I don't think people get into this business for the $$. If anyone has any Q's about this shop, feel free to PM me.
Was filled a little while ago. Applied maybe 3-4 weeks ago (way too late) and got a letter from the SE maybe a week later telling me it had already been filled.