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Looking For Opinionated Journalists

Discussion in 'Freelance/stringer help wanted' started by Daniel T, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. Daniel T

    Daniel T New Member

    Congrats. You are part of the reason the field of journalism is a dying breed. Check any online source, most writers have to do free writing at some point in their professional career now.
  2. JCT89

    JCT89 Active Member

    Says who? There are plenty of people that do podcasts, but never had a boss or employer demand that I do one. Employers want people who can write and report. Period.

    One final point of advice: Don't come on this board and ask for advice, and then start demeaning professional journalists when they tell you maybe your idea isn't the best. You want someone to tell you everything you do is great? Call your family. But there has been some good advice in this thread and you don't seem to care because it doesn't back up what you want.
  3. da man

    da man Well-Known Member

    But they don't post a call for them here.

    Oh, and if it's free writing, it's not a professional career.
  4. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    That is absolutely wrong. Perhaps if the "online source" is a personal BlogSpot blog. But I don't see any writers on ESPN.com who were giving away their intellectual capital before cracking the big time. It doesn't work that way, nor should it. Actually, journalism dies a little bit when someone gives someone else a story for free.

    I will you give credit in one area, Daniel T. Usually these "ads" don't see a second day.
  5. PaperClip529

    PaperClip529 Well-Known Member

    Re-reading your hot takes from college is the worst.
  6. Zach_James

    Zach_James New Member

    I wish I had written for the local newspaper covering preps as a college-aged writer. Instead, I was like Daniel T and thought writing for free for online outlets was the way to go. I don't need to reiterate what all these posters have said already. Reporting on preps may not seem as sexy as a "hot take," but it's more respected and probably will get more views.
    SFIND likes this.
  7. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    "They cover terrible high school sports teams." - Just so you know, covering sports isn't supposed to be sexy. You will cover lousy teams with horrible people in boring cities if you go down this road. That doesn't mean you write lousy, horrible and boring stories. It's your job to turn cut through that and find the stories that interest the reader.

    "That's one of the biggest demand [sic] in the era of modern journalism." - Can you cite some facts to back this up? I'm curious, because I freaking hate the video and have never listened to a podcast. I know *putting it out there is all the rage* but is the audience for it in begging for more? I certainly won't sit and search for sound bites from my favorite player/team/etc. I cannot stand "reporters" opining about their pet topics and never, ever click crap like that. I'd be interested to see where the audience is demanding more, especially from unproven reporters.
  8. rcsoxfan

    rcsoxfan Member

    Hate to tell you but if it ant payin it ain't likely gonna get many pro writers. The guys you mentioned Stephen a. Blowhard and such, aren't in the same boat as most of us on here.
  9. cjericho

    cjericho Well-Known Member

    "We produce content for any and every professional sport, including eSports if that interests you."

    At times, I dominate home run derby on Wii sports. Does that count as eSports?
  10. joe_schmoe

    joe_schmoe Active Member

    I'd chime in (with perhaps some actual helpful tips for Daniel's sure to fail site), but my opinion isn't free.
  11. NCWriter

    NCWriter New Member

    Here's my question, what are you gaining by writing for belowmendoza.Com that a site like SB Nation or Fansided would not offer? Even if they don't pay you it has some sort of brand reckoning on and credibility that would stand out more on a resume than writing some opinion pieces for some random site. If you want to go the free route, and work with out money for resume purposes, why not go to something credible?
  12. georgealfano

    georgealfano Active Member

    Daniel: Ask yourself this question - if you are in or have recently graduated from college, how will a clip from your proposed site impress a sports editor?

    It is probably more likely that a sports editor would be inclined to take a negative view if these are the only type of writing samples you submit to get a job.

    You want to cover the world with your website. I think you need to focus on something specific. Like a lot of young people (myself included 30 years ago), you are thinking about me rather than we. What do you have to offer to an editor? Think about the reader who reads your article/podcast/website content more and think of your writing less.
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