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Los Angeles Sports Reporters/Writers/Journalists needed. Huge Site Opening

Discussion in 'Freelance/stringer help wanted' started by ReportSide, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. Double J

    Double J Active Member

    Giving to you straight, huh? ::)
  2. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    Media Reporters would have to be based in L.A and as we expand Media Reporters have to be based in whatever city the passes are in. Writers can be based in any city and we are hiring those to. There is no point for us to pay any reporter to fly somewhere . Our company strategy will not be revealed on a public forum.

    Salary is Competitive and benifits will be given as we grow. Start-Up company just growing.
  3. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    Haha! Given.
  4. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    Neat! You mean you got added to their PR distribution list? That's amazeballs!
  5. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    Enough Secrets ;D
  6. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    I know it was only designed to get rid of spambots, but that rule where you had to have five posts to create a topic was a good one.

    I'd go a step further and make it 500.
  7. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    Any other issues/questions aside, I see conflicts of interests and shilling all over these last two points.

    Why would teams/athletes specially do any of this for you? Where is the financial backing for this project coming from?
  8. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Right. ... NO QUESTION!

    Translation: Salary is 30k. Maybe.
  9. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    Im here to hire people not explain what teams do on a public forum. And its definitely not your business where the backing is coming from. Insane people here haha
  10. KJIM

    KJIM Well-Known Member

    How is it not an applicant's business where the money is coming from? They want to know they'll get paid. There's not a lot of assurance of that in the Internet world.

    People here, for the most part, are professional journalists. They want to know something is credible. Start-up sites are a dime a dozen. The fact you're paying is better than most, but you have to understand the skepticism.

    And let's face it, your posts are filled with grammatical errors, which don't make you, in particular, look credible, especially considering the fact you're writing to journalists.

    I understand that you might be the business brain behind the thing, but for God's sake, learn how to capitalize and spell before you represent your company, or your company will look bad.

    If you want people to take you seriously as an employer, have the courtesy to make yourself look like you have at least high school education. Honestly, your first few posts, I wasn't convinced English was your first language.
  11. NDJournalist

    NDJournalist Active Member

    What high-profile talent can you possibly expect for a start-up? Is Buster Olney going to jump on board?

    And being on the Dodgers mailing list does not make you some wizard at breaking stories.
  12. playthrough

    playthrough Moderator Staff Member

    Until there's better information, this is going to freelance. Interested parties should treat it as such.

    No disrespect, ReportSide, but we have seen a whole lot of these sites come across here over the years. And not many were success stories. Bully for you if you turn out different.
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