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Los Angeles Sports Reporters/Writers/Journalists needed. Huge Site Opening

Discussion in 'Freelance/stringer help wanted' started by ReportSide, Jun 13, 2013.

  1. SirTypeAlot

    SirTypeAlot Member

    Just curious, but how many other jobs posted here have laid out what they will pay, the benefits, and other details regarding the vacancies? Some give info about bennies, but I can't count on one hand how many have disclosed pay figures. Of course, most of us have questions because it's a start up, but pestering the OP isn't going to get you any closer to being informed. And giving the guy crap surely won't make it any easier for those wanting to actually learn about the company.
  2. NDJournalist

    NDJournalist Active Member

    It's all about credibility, and, like it or not, most start-ups have to build it. Providing a pay range, benefit information and some idea on how an employee will make money is helpful, especially if they're going to jump ship from their old job.

    Most jobs here don't directly put that out here, you're right. But they're more often than not established outlets and not some arrived-by-the-night internet start-up.
  3. WriteThinking

    WriteThinking Well-Known Member

    The thread-starting poster apparently missed the real reason that I, at least, was asking about the funding behind this operation.

    For me, the primary potential problem wasn't necessarily about pay or benefits, per se. It was about the obvious potential conflicts of interest that it sounds like oftentimes would be in play. I think you missed that in the quoted part on my first post on this thread.
  4. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    Love this guy. Exactly .

    Benefits will be given after a specific amount of time at the company. Pay will be competitive with all the current companies out right now. A one year contract will be signed to guarantee the agreed salary and terms since we are a start-up.

    Thank You
  5. Jake_Taylor

    Jake_Taylor Well-Known Member

    You could have saved everybody a lot of time and aggravation if you had just written that to begin with.
  6. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

  7. Riptide

    Riptide Well-Known Member

    Still cloaked in shadows and mystery.

    Sounds ambitious, but also sounds like other come-and-gone pitches.
  8. deskslave

    deskslave Active Member

    You still haven't specified where the money is coming from. "We have money" isn't the answer to the question of where the money is coming from.
  9. The Big Ragu

    The Big Ragu Moderator Staff Member

    Ya'll are reporters, at least some of you, n'êtes pas?

    The googles can provide further info. ...
  10. ReportSide

    ReportSide New Member

    haha. There you go. One of my online business.
  11. topher1215

    topher1215 New Member

    Where are we supposed to send our resumes and clips?
  12. Starting17

    Starting17 Member

    Don't all start-up companies sound great? Like others here have said a good portion of posters here are already credible journalist. I, for one, would want to see the business layout, see what syndication and partnerships you have setup, what the main source of revue for the site will be, etc.

    I took a look at your Twitter account. One tip, don't start every tweet with BREAKING. Dare I see one future ReportSide reporter tweeting from a game BREAKING: Brady completes a three yard pass to Gronk, first down Patriots.

    Also if this is paid, why is it in freelance?...
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