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Lost: The Final Season (Premieres Feb. 2)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    So anyone here planning on doing a rewatch? The Jay and Jack Podcast has said they're going to continue even after the finale for that reason and I'd be interested in seeing what people think now that the show is over.
  2. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Jack Shepard saved humanity.

    A lot of people are wondering what the MIB-Jacob stuff had to do with this limbo world and death.

    Here’s what I think…

    We know that the Heart is “life, death, rebirth” and that a little bit of it is inside every man.

    Uncapping the cork made Smocke humanely, but also turned off the light inside every man. Without a soul, man cannot experience an eternity of afterlife. Thus, if Smocke leaves The Island he has free reign to “infect” the soulless mankind - “Everyone would cease to be” as Widmore said.

    If the hole is recorked, then mankind’s soul is restored because the light is reactivated. But, if Smocke’s already off The Island when this happens, he’s now likely back in incorporeal form and is an unstoppable force in the real world. He’s corrupting and killing man - “Everyone would cease to be.”

    By killing MIB and not allowing him to leave The Island, and recorking the hole, Jack Shepard saved humanity and preserved an afterlife for mankind.
  3. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Anyone have a good theory as to what Jacob meant by "It only ends once, everything else is just progress"?

    And, hell, for that matter, maybe someone can tell me what they think the smoke monster was.
  4. RickStain

    RickStain Well-Known Member

    He brought people to the Island to prove to his brother that not all people are bad. So far, everyone had proven to be corruptible and bad. Eventually, though, one would come that didn't.

    It's what happens when a human soul is put in direct contact with the heart of the island.
  5. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    No, I mean, what WAS the smoke monster? I.E. Why didn't Jacob want he/it to leave the island, what were the consequences if he/it did, why did it take Locke's shape, e.t.c.
  6. DisembodiedOwlHead

    DisembodiedOwlHead Active Member

    He was a type of MacGuffin.
  7. NDub

    NDub Guest

    Read what I wrote in the post before your initial question.

    With the lights out, Smocke leaves, and humanity - devoid of souls b/c the light inside of everyone is out - gets its ass whooped, corrupted by Smokie.
  8. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    I think the fact Nikki and Paolo weren't in the church proves God hates them too.
  9. John

    John Well-Known Member

  10. JRoyal

    JRoyal Well-Known Member

    Totally agree about this. This has thrown off so many people, who have taken that to mean that everyone died when the plane crashed (including an LA Times writer). Christian clearly said they all died at different times and that everything that happened outside the Sideways World was real. Then the producers through a useless background of the plane crash up at the end and everyone forgets all about what he said and decides they all died. If that had been true, we wouldn't have just seen wreckage. We'd have seen wreckage with a bunch of dead bodies, or at least part of some.
  11. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    Yet another example of people not fucking paying attention.

    The polar bear question is another example. That was answered about two seasons ago but people keep demanding a fucking answer.
  12. linotype

    linotype Well-Known Member

    Here's the question that has been bugging me a bit. Why was Evangeline Lilly wearing a black dress when she got out of the car at the church, but inside she was wearing a tank top and gray dress pants? Was there some sort of subtle transformation that I missed? Or am I just dense?
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