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Lost: The Final Season (Premieres Feb. 2)

Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Piotr Rasputin, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. slappy4428

    slappy4428 Active Member

    It still crushed me when the dog came in and lay down next to Matthew Fox...
  2. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    Which parts did it to you? I lost my shit when Jin and Sun realized where they were, lost my shit again during the Charlie/Claire reveal and sobbed like a 13-year old girl with a skinned knee at the Sawyer/Juliet meeting.
  3. Killick

    Killick Well-Known Member

    Same parts as the first time (which is why I destroyed my man card — first time, hey, it's a surprise... second time, you know it's coming).

    Which ones? Nearly all the "realizations," Hurley's forlorn "No" when it became clear Jack wasn't going to survive, Ben and Locke outside the church, Jack and Christian's discussion and, of course, the final reunion. Damn.
  4. schiezainc

    schiezainc Well-Known Member

    If it makes you feel better, I cried at the end of Survivor Season II when it was revealed that Tina Wesson, the old chick, won. I still get choked up when I see it.

    That's WAY gayer than crying at the end of this. ;)
  5. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    Vincent and Jack. Wow. Did it to me... again.

    Man card, be damned.
  6. 93Devil

    93Devil Well-Known Member

    when Sun and Jin understand but Sawyer does not.

    Wait, did Desmond ever meet Penny in Sideways? I cannot imagine that being cut.
  7. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I cried when Bai Ling snuck in the back of the church.
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    After watching it again, some random points:
    -Why was Aaron at the church? He was a baby, who grew up in the real world under Kate's watch in the real world, so why was he there at the church?

    - Pop-ups were cool, like when it said Ben was disappointed that he wasn't chosen by Jack to be the island's next protector.

    - I really watched because I wanted some popup action for the church scene. And not so much. The popups went away for the last 20 minutes or so.

    - You really got a sense of how much commercial space they sold for the finale. First run, 2:30. Second run, 2:05. Didn't seem like anything was edited it out.

    - The timing seemed to be off. Jack was still down in the hole, when the Ajira plane takes off. Lots happened. He washes out to the other side of the cave, stumbles around, hits the ground, then sees a plane flyover, the same plane that left the island 20 minutes or more ago. Doesn't follow.
  9. HC

    HC Well-Known Member

    Don't you guys get a pass when there's a dog involved, like "Old Yeller"?
  10. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    HC: Does that also apply to "My Dog Skip" for us?

    I will certainly appreciate the pass.
  11. YGBFKM

    YGBFKM Guest

    The last few posts are making me cry.
  12. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    I didn't listen to the Jorge Garcia podcast yet, but does this mean that the actors in the final scene weren't privy to what it meant?
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