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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. ifilus

    ifilus Well-Known Member

    Or why not just hop over to the island next door, where everyone's ills (cancer, paralysis) magically are cured without medical treatment?
  2. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    i assumed that although the black smoke was the same as we saw in the first season, that eko was going to hell because he used to be a rebel. i thought this in part because john told him about the white light and eko said 'that is not what i saw.'

    last night's episode was so-so. i liked eko. too bad he's gone. i had no idea he was going to die though, so it was a good surprise.

    i didn't like the flashbacks of flashbacks. we'd already seen some of those clips.
  3. Space Monkey

    Space Monkey Member

    I'm getting more and more frustrated with this show. I agree with the previous posters about the show doing much better than expected, and having to stretch it out longer than it was probably meant to be.

    I don't like that they keep introducing new characters, like the guy and the girl who have been living on the beach with the rest of the survivors but haven't been seen until season three. Nice touch with the girl mentioning that they never get to go along with the others exploring the island, though.

    I liked Eko's character. He'll be missed.

    Of course, I'm still waiting to find out more about Libby's backstory, but I guess that's a dead issue.

    Next week's episode better be amazing, or else I don't know how much I'll care to watch whenever it returns.
  4. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    I think this episode sets up the rest of the season really well...
  5. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    I've been willing to defend this show for a long time, but I'm not sure I'm willing to do that anymore. Exactly what happened to Alias is now happening with this show. Two amazing seasons are followed by a third season where you spend the first seven episodes denying that there is a problem or that anything is amiss.

    The Libby stuff seems like a perfect example. I now no longer believe they'll go back and address any of that. There will be a half-hearted attempt to make it all make sense, much like on Alias and the Rombaldi stuff, but there will simply be too many storylines swirling around near the end to put all the pieces together.
  6. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    If you go with the purgatory theory -- that Boone and Shannon were redeemed and therefore no longer needed to be on the island (applies a little to Ana-Lucia and Libby), what does that say about Eko? Was he killed because he wouldn't be redeemed/take confession or that he was redeemed because he acknowledged to himself that he had done nothing wrong?
  7. Mizzougrad96

    Mizzougrad96 Active Member

    I'm pissed that Wednesday is the Fall Season Finale... That means we get that Taye Diggs bullshit for the next two months until Lost returns in January? Fuck that...

    Wednesday was one of the better shows of the season...
  8. bigpern23

    bigpern23 Well-Known Member

    The best laid plans of mice and men ....

    I'm sure that they do have a plan, but obviously, over the course of say five years, circumstances are going to arise that require adjustments.

    I believe they have a general story arc that they plan to stick to, but in the meantime, they do need to roll with the punches, change things and add stuff. I'd bet it's more like sketching a drawing and then adding in the details than starting with a line and seeing what kind of picture develops. That's why I'm willing to stay with the show.

    Last night's episode was definitely a good one.
  9. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    There is a huge range of possibilities between "making it up as you go" and "having an intricately detailed plan." The powers that be have said several times that they know where it's all going, but haven't plotted every step of the way, likening it to a cross-country road trip where you know the destination and a few stops, but play it by ear at times.

    Hence the "unplanned" deaths of Ana-Lucia, Libby and Eko.
  10. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    metaphors collide!
  11. GimpyScribe

    GimpyScribe Member

    Well, that sucked!
    I know I'm echoing (hahaha) most people's sentiments here, but Eko's death is really disappointing. He was very cool and very complicated and there was so much I was looking forward to learning about him. Fortunately, there's still plenty of characters left that I can sink my teeth into (Locke, Sawyer, Hurley, Ben/Henry).
    I'm definitely not giving up on the show. They've shown us a lot this season, when you think about it. Sure, the stuff they've shown have added more questions, but that's what they need to do. If people wanna give up on the show now, they probably never should've started watching it.
  12. leo1

    leo1 Active Member

    hoo, i agree with you. but my problem is that i simply don't believe that they have a plan, even though they say they have one. i think it's a lie because they can't quite go out there and say they have no clue what's gonna happen.
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