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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. thebiglead

    thebiglead Member

    Not sure if anyone else noticed this, but ...

    When Ecko went back to the plane to find his brother's body, he had to roll a large rock out of the way. And then he found his brother's body gone.

    That likely was plucked from the bible, with Jesus ascending to heaven.

    To take it a step further ... who took his brother's body? The black cloud? It was nice to Ecko at the beginning ... and then seemed to turn yesterday when it appeared that he rejected God.
  2. Twoback

    Twoback Active Member

    It's not unique to Lost.
    24 begins its run in January for the same reason. These shows draw a better, more loyal audience if their runs are not interrupted.
  3. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Anyone else find it strange that, when Sun and Jin have flashbacks, everyone speaks Korean, but when Eko had flashbacks, everyone speaks English? I assume this is because it would be too hard to find enough actors that speak Nigerian, but it always struck me as an odd juxtoposition.
  4. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Also, the Black Smoke is Boo Radley. In time, we'll grow to love him.
  5. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    This is my last post in a row, I swear, but some really interesting shit about last week's episode, and how the bunny with the 8 in his back ties into Stephen King's memoir, "On Writing" and the overall theory of the show.

  6. jay_christley

    jay_christley Member

    Just to break Double Down's streak (& because I know how he feels when I talk to myself on the NASCAR thread) ...

    I liked Eko. I'm sorry he's gone. I thought he had a chance to be a pretty complex character and in the end he just said "f' you Jobu!"
    [Of course, I've been telling the missus since Day 1 that once the tail-wing survivors showed up, I take the bad-ass former Nigerian Drug Lord, the former Iraqi interregator, Cowboy Sawyer, renegade cop chick and go bust some heads. And screw what Jack thinks.]

    I thought this episode was so-so.
    I hated the flashbacks we had already seen. Like they didn't have enough footage for the whole hour or something. I think Ben and Julie is still just one big mindbender for Jack (although they show Ben going under the knife next episode).
  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Well, that was a hell of a cliffhanger. Sucks having to wait until February for the next episode.

    Questions from tonight...
    1. Dude said Sawyer wasn't on Jacob's list. Was Jacob one of the infiltrators? Or is he higher on the food chain than Ben?
    2. What will Locke find by looking to the north? The other island?
    3. The tease implied this mini-season was the three being victims and the next season will be them taking control, right?
  8. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    Got me, I'm more confused than normal.
    I thought he said Sheppard wasn't on Jacob's list, not Sawyer.
    Last season, I would have been all about tivoing the Groundhog Day Gone Bad show to see the teasers, but not now. I'm exhausted from trying to keep up.
    But on a cool side note: The interweb is awash with rumors that the Lost producer and the Heroes producer struck up a deal. The powers that the people are getting on Heroes? A result of a Dharma or Hanso Corp. experiment.
  9. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    Confirm: Danny ("my name's buck, and i came to ...") Pickett did indeed say "Sheppard" wasn't on Jacob's list. Whoever Jacob is.

    In case anyone was truly worried, the trailer for February's episodes showed Kate and Sawyer running away from someone/thing in the jungle, so we can assume Sawyer does not die on his knees in the rain. As if that was a possibility.
  10. Sly

    Sly Active Member

    That was an excellent hour of television. My heart was in my throat for most of the episode. February can't get here soon enough.
  11. Batman

    Batman Well-Known Member

    Nigeria was a British colony for a century or so. English is its official language.
  12. HeinekenMan

    HeinekenMan Active Member

    It all makes sense now. Jeez Louise. How could I have been so stupid.

    Just for the sake of curiosity, I'd like to know exactly how they're going to tie Hurley's mental hospital stay alongside the other Lost character to some black smoke and a list of numbers he received from one of his buddies. Or was that his buddy?

    Did anyone else expect to get the backstory on the Others? That's sort of what I thought we'd see.
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