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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. Pringle

    Pringle Active Member

    The back stories have outgrown their usefulness, for the most part.

    The Kate one last night would suck the tension right out of the episode every time it came on.
  2. PaseanaARG

    PaseanaARG Guest

    I thought this "season finale" ep last night was pretty lame. And believe me, I'm the ultimate Lost apologist. The Kate/Sawyer thing is blah. I don't watch Lost for that sappy, trite stuff. I want cool stuff like in season one.

    I'm more intrigued with Jack now. Looks like he's ready to ball.

    Also, I think it's a stretch for Jack to assume that "Mr. Friendly" and Juliet are on Ben's side. You know what I mean? So Jack slices Ben's kidney as a bargaining chip, assuming these people all love Ben. At the very least, Jack should have doubts about everyone's allegiance. Instead, he has none. I found that odd.
  3. Webster

    Webster Well-Known Member

    Didn't Kate say that she killed the man that she loved -- in the episode where she breaks into the bank and gets the plane. Is the cop the guy that she was talking about?

    Is Alex Ben/Henry's daughter (apoted or otherwise)? Why did Juliet lie to Ben/Henry about Alex asking for him? Whose voice was it that told Jack to leave the cage (Alex or Juliet)? Why didn't Kate tell Jack that they were stuck on a different island? Where the heck are Jin and Sun? Is Desmond has ESP, why didn't he see Eko's death coming? Who is Jacob? Why were the three of them brought to the Others?
  4. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Alex is Russo the hermit Frenchwoman's child. Not sure about the father.

    If Juliet wanted Jack to kill Ben, she sure did a good job of acting upset when Jack made his move last night. The fact that dude was going to kill Sawyer makes me think Ben doesn't rule with an iron fist. I still think Juliet is the really evil one of the Others.
  5. dog428

    dog428 Active Member

    Here's the deal with Lost's storyline: It's completed. It was complete, or very close to it, the day the first show aired.

    However, when the show started to take off, Abrams had several ideas to toy with fans using the Internet and planting little easter eggs and whatnot in shows. When they did that, it drew an amazing number of young viewers -- an audience every show seeks but few obtain. Not only were they watching, they were going online and dissecting the show bit by bit and never missed an episode. And the ad haul has been HUGE.

    So, what ABC did was ask Abrams to write in some extra flashbacks and stretch things out a bit. Also, they agreed to give him a little leeway to toy with fans. Take that whole episode last year about Hurley and his dream. That was written during the year simply to prove to people that the whole show isn't based on one character's dream.

    The point is, the show has an ending that's already written. They know where they're going and how they're getting there, the only thing in the wind right now is how long they'll take to get there. If ratings start to drop, I think you'll see the flashbacks cut and a strong run of episodes follow. If they don't -- and they haven't really yet -- you can expect it to drag, at least more than it did the first year. It's sort of like last season of The Sopranos. Chase had the ending all planned out, HBO asked for more episodes and we ended up with a watered-down version of a show we love.

    As for Eko, what are you gonna do? Guy wants to be written off, you can't make him stay.
  6. JR

    JR Well-Known Member

    So far I've been disappointed in this season. It seems to be meandering all over the place and as Pringle pointed out the Kate stuff last night seemed kinda pointless.

    And what's with this, let's build up viewer anticipation and make them wait three months?
  7. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    The man she loved was the guy who died in the bank heist. He was someone she had known since she was a kid.

    The cop is a different guy. I don't think she killed him. She just knocked him out so she could get away. I noticed that he was a Miami-Dade cop. Don't know if that means anything though.
  8. Hoo

    Hoo Active Member

    The man she loved, Tom the doctor, wasn't killed in the bank heist, per se. He was killed in a car crash when she was trying to run from the cops.

    My favorite part of the episode was when Jack saw Kate and Sawyer snuggling via monitor, and told Ben he needed to get off the island. No doubt this isn't how it happened, but the realistic thought process for Jack, I think, would have been, 'Wait -- why I am I mooning over some stranger I met 2 months ago?!?!? I'm on a deserted m'f'ing island. Screw them, I've got to get back to m'f'ing civilization!!!" That would have been cool, but it wouldn't really work for a TV show.

    Good catch on Kevin and "Monica" living in Miami. I noticed that too. (And I just double-checked to confirm Ana-Lucia didn't work there; she was in L.A., of course.)

    And count me in as one who's expecting Juliet to be, if perhaps not the evil mastermind, at least much, much more than she seems. Protect your grille when she's around.
  9. Armchair_QB

    Armchair_QB Well-Known Member

    When Jack said "I want off this island" I turned to my wife and said he should have been more specific.

    He'll get off that island. And go right back to the OTHER island.
  10. JayFarrar

    JayFarrar Well-Known Member

    This is why Lost is starting to bug me. You watch just to pick up the little details and then wonder if they mean anything or have some sort of tie-in back into another character. It's just too exhausting.
  11. Colton

    Colton Active Member

    ArmChair: I thought the EXACT same thing.
  12. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    My question is, and I apologize if this has already been asked but I'm not reading the whole thread, why hasn't anyone asked the Others to just let everyone from the original plane crash know how to go back to civilization. Ben has said they have contact with the outside, Michael and Walt were sent off to "find rescue" and the Others have claimed it's their island and they're just letting the castaways stay there. Well, why? Ethan and the guy with Eko's group could have just told them how to get back.

    I also realize there's no show if that happens, but Jack is too smart of a character not to have thought to at least ask. It's the not asking that bothers me.

    I also have a problem with the essential loss of Sayid, Hurley, Jin, Sun and Charlie. I couldn't care less about Claire, she's useless. They spend two years developing these characters and now they're one- or two-line extras. Jin and Sun should be there when the hot blonde and the stupid French guy are around.
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