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Discussion in 'Anything goes' started by Jim Tom Pinch, Oct 2, 2006.

  1. beefncheddar

    beefncheddar Guest

    Because you're assuming the Others know how to get back to civilization. There's no proof they have two-way contact with civilization, to the best of my knowledge. They may be able to pull signals, but that doesn't mean they are able to communicate.

    And Michael and Walt may well still be sailing. Remember, didn't Desmond (or somebody) say something about sailing for days and days (or was it weeks and weeks?) and finding nothing?
  2. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    I agree on the open-endedness of the Michael/Walt/Desmond thing, but in the first episode of this season, Juliette puts a CD in her CD player in her modern house. That stuff had to get there somehow.

    Doesn't anyone else find it curious that the island cured Rose's cancer and Locke's paralysis, but Ben gets a tumor on his spine? Either that's one big continuity error or the island picks and chooses how it does its magic.
  3. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Or the island rewards good people (Locke, Rose) and punishes bad ones (Ben).

    Desmond sailing for days and winding up back on the island might be explained by the magnetic anomolies on the island. Perhaps there's a big cloaking device that messes up compasses.

    I'm still waiting to see what role Desmond's girlfriend will play in this season. Remember, when the hatch exploded those Russian guys in the artic called her to report a seismic blip.
  4. STLIrish

    STLIrish Active Member

    The Others did give Michael very specific directions about how to leave the island, perhaps they know of a hole in its magnetic pull, or something, that Desmond doesn't.
    It does seem like they must have some sort of two-way contact with the outside world. They would have to get names of the folks on the plane out, in order to get personal information on them sent in. Of course, that doesn't mean they can easily travel between the outside world and the island.
  5. qtlaw

    qtlaw Well-Known Member

    Maybe this is like M. Night Shamalyan's The Village where the message is the Others do not want to leave but in fact enjoy their slice of Utopia.
  6. Double Down

    Double Down Well-Known Member

    Clearly, the line of the night belonged to Locke, at Eko's funeral:

    "I'd like to think you died for a reason, Mr. Eko. I just hope it's not too long before we find out what the heck it might be."

    I know that's the producers pleading patience, which is clever, but sadly I'm running out of it. Perhaps I'll feel different after the break. This mini-season has been all over the place.

    I thought for certain that we'd seen Kate's husband, Kevin, previously, but IMDB tells me that I'm wrong.

    It's obvious that Benry is an aspiring porno producer, and he really captured these three so he could sit in his little movie room and watch Sawyer and Kate bang.

    Dog, your theory on how it's all been planned out has merit, but just to be clear, Damon Lindelof came up with the idea of LOST, and he and Carlton Cuse write this show, not J.J. Abrams. Abrams is an executive producer, yes, and he was the guy who got it on the air and helped fine tune and focus things, but LOST was Lindelof's idea. He's the guy who came up with the overall story arc. I think Abrams has very little to do with the show anymore, but it's especially true with the writing.

    It seems, however, that Lindelof and Cuse are quite aware of the concerns we all have about the lack of answers, and they give a pretty good explanation in this interview this week with TV Guide about how things are going to play out. If you post on this thread, you should definitely read it.


  7. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    He's been in a ton of TV shows. I couldn't figure out where I knew him until I checked IMDB and realized he'd been in a few seasons of Two Guys, a Girl and a Pizza Place as Traylor Howard's boyfriend.
  8. He was also the captain on Firefly.
  9. Satchel Pooch

    Satchel Pooch Member

    What's up with Desmond being able to see into the future???

    (He told Charlie and Claire to move right when the lightning hit that tent a couple weeks ago, and he said something like "you're going to enjoy Locke's speech" right before Locke made it.)
  10. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    He started doing that right after the hatch exploded/imploded.
  11. Clever username

    Clever username Active Member

    Is there any particular reason Desmond set that whole lightning rod thing up? He said it was an experiment, which was perhaps to test if he can see into the future, but the golf club had wire-looking things hanging off it. I thought perhaps he was trying to direct the electricity somewhere.
  12. Inky_Wretch

    Inky_Wretch Well-Known Member

    Thanks to his newfound ability to see into the future, he knew the lightning was going to hit the tree. He tried to convince Claire to move to a different hut/tent for the night. She wouldn't, Charlie even stepped in to get Desmond to back off. So Desmond had to rig up a lightning rod to keep the strike from hitting the tree.
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